Irony of fighters thanking God on monster logo

GeoDim -

Didn't know what you were talking about so I googled it. I'm not convinced. If anything's ironic it's that they're thanking god after beating another man senseless.

Haha yea... I always find that ironic.
"i just want to thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ for giving me the strength to beat this man into a concussed state and probably shorten his life span...couldn't do it workout ya! " Phone Post 3.0

JetSetter -
CurtisTheConqueror -
Medusas Weave -
Stea1th - Pretty funny Phone Post 3.0

Apparently the Monster logo means "666" because it's shaped like the three nails that nailed Jesus to the cross, and that is a popular esoteric symbol of 666... At least that's what they tell me. Phone Post 3.0
Stupid theory. Phone Post 3.0
Obviously a member of the illuminati! Phone Post 3.0

WhereIsGoranReljic - Has anyone considered the possibility that blood spilled upon the Hebrew 666 could summon some sort of demon ?

I think we're just sort of waiting for it to happen. I mean, as long as the demon wears Reebok I think it'll be ok.

Richard Tuck -
ausgepicht - There is no such thing as Satan. Grow the fuck up!
Hi Satan Phone Post 3.0
Holy shit Satan is here. It have questions! Phone Post 3.0

JetSetter -
CurtisTheConqueror -
Medusas Weave -
Stea1th - Pretty funny Phone Post 3.0

Apparently the Monster logo means "666" because it's shaped like the three nails that nailed Jesus to the cross, and that is a popular esoteric symbol of 666... At least that's what they tell me. Phone Post 3.0
Stupid theory. Phone Post 3.0
Just relaying what I've heard man. In no way do I believe it. Calm down Phone Post 3.0

You muthafuckas need Jesus. Phone Post 3.0