Is Babalu done in the UFC?

First off, I'd like to say I don't think what he did was as bad as some are
making it out to be. Yes, he did hold the choke longer than he should,
and he admitted he did so, but I don't think it was a "discrace" like some
are saying.

With Dana being worried about the UFC's image, Do you think he will tell
Babalu to take a hike like he did with the TUF guys?

I wouldn't be surprised. He's no longer a title contender, wasn't even on
the PPV, and with all the new guys coming into the UFC, I think that's the
last we'll see of him.

He had a decent fight against Heath so maybe they'll give him a another run to try to become a title contender.

I don't think Dana cares TOO TOO much about the choke. He probably would have given him so flack about it, but the NSAC is making a big deal about it, so who knows now.

Babalu is great. I think he's definately a contender. and the most he'll get is a fine and a slap on the wrist. If he gets suspended for a little while, oh well it won't be too long and fighters in UFC only fight 2 a year at most.

he's far from done


Just saw the vid and it was nowhere near the mountain they are making this out to be. He didn't hold any longer than Hughes/Trigg or BJ/Pulver. He wasn't trying to kill the guy , just make a point. I don't agree with that point. But to call him out on this one was probably more based out of Rogan's commentary than the actual event.

...if so that would be another sign of decadence

lol oh yeah and why not keep bringing back a guys like Chris Leben, Babalu has more talent in his finger than Leben does in his whole body.

There is NO WAY that the UFC dumps Babalu...yeah he created some bad controversy for himself last night, but it's nothing that will get him kicked out of the UFC

When was the last time anything like that happened? Long time ago? Every single sport has there bad apples and I don't consider Babalu even close to as bad as other players in other sports.

I know this is MMA and not other sports and the bad controvery looks bad when states consider legalizing prize fighting (like maine) but I think it's the sport in general and not the few few people that hold submissions to long.

Great fight. I love babalu as a fighter and think they should get him on another card soon for #1 contender and he should try at the crown again. He will never go to WEC (and if he does that's not a bad thing at all) but if he does he will definately be the Light heavy contender or champ.

I read today that Dana said that if he (or someone else) had done that with an arm or leg lock and done damage they would never fight in the UFC again.

Regarding Babalu specifically, he just said "it will be interesting to see what the commission decides to do with him".

its not like it was an armbar, he held a choke on a little long, so did BJ, no one really said anything about that. It was unprofessional but Im sure most other people dont even know about it.

He better not be. I want to see Babalu vs. Shogun 2!!

As for what he did..well if the rumors are true that Heath was handing out Babalu mug shot t-shirts the day before then I honestly think he got what he deserved..that's shits hella disrespectful.

Babalu vs. Tito! Would anyone complain if Babalu chokes Tito for an extra few seconds?

I read today that Dana said that if he (or someone else) had done that
with an arm or leg lock and done damage they would never fight in the
UFC again.
Regarding Babalu specifically, he just said "it will be interesting to see
what the commission decides to do with him".

ok this is why i posted this "useless" thread. it's not like it's that far
fetched he'd be booted.

I agree Babalu is a great fighter but there a tons of great fighters in the
UFC and something like that isn't good for the sport when the UFC is
trying to grow and become more mainstream.

Like I said earlier, I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but with all the
MMA sites talking about the "disgrace" it wouldn't have surprised me if
he got let go.....thats all i was saying......and like what was posted
earlier, if it had been a knee or something else, he would have been


He will be back. His fights do NOT tend to be boring. Jeez can't remember the last decision he went to.