Is chael a nice guy in real life?

2bobmob -
ShanTheMan -

We have a mutual friend who I trust a lot.  He says Chael is a great guy.  

I'm curious,is that friends name Adam by chance? 

Not that it matters either way I'm just being nosey.

I lied,  I have no friends.  

Despite his heel persona I always got the impression he was a good dude irl. Just how he talked in interviews outside his persona. Just seemed like a decent dude. Who maybe would do some shady real estate stuft.

Great to see these stories. The Gangsta is a champion

He's a solid dude.  Love his podcast. He really tells it like it is and has insightful and well thought out opinions, argree or not.  Glad to hear its consistent across the board.  He's definitely a character, but he's got character.

TerrySilver -
MasterofMartialArts -

He comes off as a genuinely good dude. 

Sometimes I think that other times I think it may be car salesman nice 

That's a very good way of putting it.

I emailed him years ago back when he was a realtor of sorts, wished him luck on his Anderson fight he had coming at the time (the first) and he took the time to reply and thank me.


He's a good dude. 

Captain Epic -

Hes super nice IRL, met him at a grocery store near our houses and he took a picture with me as I starstruckingly mumbled to myself. He looked at the picture and said " look at those two studs", smiled and walked away. I started laughing as I left since I couldn't believe I got so stupified.. I was loading my car with my wife and kids as he walked out and waved. Later that night I tweeted that I couldn't believe I met Chael and got so starstruck that I didn't ask him any of the questions I was dying to talk to him about (this was right around the time he was about to fight Anderson the second time). He DM'd me and said I had beautiful family and it was nice to meet me. 

Wow this is great 

MasterofMartialArts -

He comes off as a genuinely good dude. 

Yeh about as genuine as a convicted money launderer and fighter to be busted for the longest list of banned substances in the history of the UFC can be.

camozzi -

Lived at Chaels house when I went to train with him for the 2nd Anderson fight. He flew me out, we had only briefly met once before.

Don't let him fool you, he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Very intelligent and polite as well. He's an all around genuine nice guy. I don't have a bad word to say about it.

Well well if it's not the man with the biggest set of brass balls on the whole ug. Great to see you posting here. 

ThatsHowIRoll -
MasterofMartialArts -

He comes off as a genuinely good dude. 

Yeh about as genuine as a convicted money launderer and fighter to be busted for the longest list of banned substances in the history of the UFC can be.

Get over yourself buddy 

The Undertaker is not actually an undertaker.

Sonnen is one of the nicest guys in the sport, and the smartest.

It's an act to put asses in seats. It worked.

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"@ChaelSonnen CONGRATS! One of the most genuine human beings I have ever met in my life. One of the good guys. Years ago he found out a certain UFC fighter with a large family got suspended, Chael sent an envelope with a check to his house to help. They barley knew each other."


Schaub tweeted that, I wonder who he's talking about. Pretty cool 

GaspareBJJ -

"@ChaelSonnen CONGRATS! One of the most genuine human beings I have ever met in my life. One of the good guys. Years ago he found out a certain UFC fighter with a large family got suspended, Chael sent an envelope with a check to his house to help. They barley knew each other."


Schaub tweeted that, I wonder who he's talking about. Pretty cool 

I think its king mo. That or he did something similar with mo

Well he is pretty superficial and a liar. So I am going with sociopath

dinkledorf - 

Well he is pretty superficial and a liar. So I am going with sociopath

what’d he do, fuck your old lady?

One of the nicest guys I've ever met. Amongst my favorite people in all of MMA. He really is a genuinely kind and sincere guy. 

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Best guy in the sport - love ya Chael

ShanTheMan -
2bobmob -
ShanTheMan -

We have a mutual friend who I trust a lot.  He says Chael is a great guy.  

I'm curious,is that friends name Adam by chance? 

Not that it matters either way I'm just being nosey.

I lied,  I have no friends.  

Aww shansky,wanna sword fight?

Kirik -

The Undertaker is not actually an undertaker.

Sonnen is one of the nicest guys in the sport, and the smartest.

It's an act to put asses in seats. It worked.

Exactly this, another friend of mine who worked at a phone store helped Chael get a phone. My friend was a huge mma fan but seriously didn't like the brash, trash talking, fight promoting "heel" character sonnen puts on. So while he was helping Chael he told him so, he said Chael just laughed it off and said "hey, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" 


Basz -

Ask king mo 


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