Is it just me or did Mir's face resemble...

Belcher's tattoo? I can't find any fight photos right now, but there were a few moments where I thought I was looking at Belcher's "Johnny Cash (Kim Jong Il?)" tattoo

LOL! Both were fucked up.


I thought he looked like that monster guy from the Goonies. (rocky road heheh)

Leghound - Belcher's tattoo? I can't find any fight photos right now, but there were a few moments where I thought I was looking at Belcher's "Johnny Cash (Kim Jong Il?)" tattoo


That picture is just wrong. However I did chuckle!

that tattoo is seriously fucked up. size, placement,'s all for shit. johnny's face looks pink. you can't make something look more like flesh than flesh.

At first I thought it was a tatoo of John Goodman. Then I thought it might be Babe Ruth. Or maybe john goodman as Babe Ruth...

i was thinking more rocky from mask

 Hamburger meat.

He lookd' more like Martin Lawrence's face after he boxed him in the episode.
Or like Shamrocks face after he fought Tito the 1st time

pic's of Matin's face from that episode would be classic

That's the worse tattoo I've ever seen. I had no idea who it was supposesed to be. It cracked me up when Joe said "He's obviously a big Johnny Cash fan considering that tattoo".

I thought he looked like Frankenberry!

Crooklyn - LOLOLOLOLOL!  OMFG!  I just spit out my tea!

Drinking tea to celebrate Bisping's loss?

Ramsey - I thought he looked like Frankenberry!


Ramsey - I thought he looked like Frankenberry!

Damn...I think you're correct...LOL!

I thought the tattoo was a goof! I had no idea it was real. I dig Johnny Cash, but man that is fucked up!

 I thought that nigga looked like a Cabbage Patch Kid.


What does Belcher's tattoo look like? I am totally drawing blank right now.