Is John DelaO one of Joe's Black B

Hi Mike,

How is Fatherhood treating you?

I've read some interesting things about John DelaO on the Atama Forum and was curious if you knew how John got affiliated with Joe M. I took some BJJ classes from John about 10 yrs ago when I was in college but I thought he was under Reylson Gracie/Ken Gabrielson.


Fatherhood has been a lot better once I got a nanny!

From what I understand, Joe did not promote John to black belt. John got his black belt from someone else. In BJJ, once you are black belt for certain amounts of time, you get degrees on your black belt. Degrees on a black belt have nothing to do with skill on the mat. It is only based on time in the art. I believe Joe gave John certain degrees of black under Joe's BJJ federation, but I'm not what degree was given.

I think Joe differentiates between promotions give by Joe Moreira himself and degrees given on behalf of his federation. For example, I saw Joe give Rey Diogo a degree on his black belt on behalf of his federation since Rey is under Carlson Gracie.

Hi Bolo,

A nanny? That's cheating! You're suppose to be attending breast feeding conventions too! J/K.
Will you have more time for a seminar in So Cal? I've been bugging Gary Q. about setting up another guard or 1/2 guard seminar with you?



First, if he was under Joe for so long, I'm sure he would know how to spell Joe's last name correctly on his website.

Second, guys like Gustavo Moreira, James Boran, Randy Bloom, Roy Harris, and I have been with Joe for a very long time. We came up through the ranks together. I know all the "old school" guys that got their black belts before me. All I know is that John was not one of the guys there with us.

OK, I just spoke to Joe about this. John got his black belt from Reylson. However, John and Reylson had a falling out, so John went to Joe and wanted to be under Joe. When John went to Joe, he was already a second degree black belt from Reylson. Joe just gave him a certificate under his federation for the second degree which John already had.