Is Penn Really Hawaiian???

BJ has the spirit of Hawaiian Warriors of the past...and the power of the Hawaiian gods on his side!

Hard to understand unless you've lived the island life!

wow amazed by how mis informed some people in the mainland can be, does he have hawaiian blood...YES, he registered his name with kau inoa which is basically a native hawaiian registry supporting the upifting of the community etc. which requires hawaiian blood, is he korean, yes, is he caucasion, yes, just like everyone else in hawaii he is mixed, theres only a couple thousand pure hawaiians left, but there are many many with part hawaiian ancestory......

also the hawaiians originally came from the marquesas in the south pacific then the tahitians came and set up the caste system and introduced the religion used upu until the first white visitors arrived, after years of isolation in the north pacific they became hawaiian

BJ has like 1/8 or 1/16 native Hawaiian blood. I guess that still makes him Hawaiian. It's kinda like some of these white people getting benefit for being native Americans for having someone in their family tree being Indian.

anyone who is doubting that jay dee is bj's REAL father needs to wake up. bj face looks JUST LIKE his dad's. the elder mr. penn just is bigger and not dark.

I think BJ looks more like his mom than his father... They both have that round face with similar features. BJ looks much darker though

like i said and 720 did. BJ is part hawaiian. nuff said

born in Hawaii =/= Hawaiian, at least in the eyes of people who live in Hawaii.

I'm white and I don't consider myself "Hawaiian" even though I was born and raised there. Acting like you are is a good way to get yourself laughed off the island. Or beat up.

BTW, I've seen a lot of Asian/White mixes that get very dark from the sun, much like BJ.

VectorWegaLives - 
Kostakio - 
VectorWegaLives - 
4pdboxing - "moms last name is Shin and looks oriental"

Like an "Oriental" rug?

 You mean a rug from the Orient?  Kinda like a Hawaiian rug or an American rug?
Orientals apparently don't like to be called that.


 Yeah, the racist ones don't like it.
Racist orientals you mean?

Okay, look... I had this conversation with someone at work yesterday and he was going on and on about how they don't like to be called that, etc. and how he corrects people (he's Irish) when he hears 'em. But my only gripe with it is that you can't call 'em "Asians" either because that encompasses way too many countries (Indians are Asians also!). So unless you say Chinese, Japanese, etc. you can't really call 'em anything else BUT that if you can't use "Orientals".


 WTF is up with Chinese hate on the Flips? I worked with a chinese welder and he had nothing but hatred for those people and kept talking about how they smell bad because they don't bathe.

Let's settle this. Being born in Hawaii doesn't make you Hawaiian. I know a lot of people of asian decent move to the mainland and claim to be Hawaiian. They are wrong and lying. But I think it's their way of distinguishing themselves from other mainland asians.

Penn's mom is of Korean and Hawaiian blood. This makes Penn hapa Haole, Korean, Hawaiian blooded. End of story.

You can especially tell by his brother's eyes. They are very polynesian as opposed to asian or caucasian.

"What I don't understand is why the main land asians are usually small, yet the islanders are so fucking strong and athletic."

That's because you are confusing Asian with Polynesian...and I take it you've never seen mainland Samoans...they are very big boys.

Blah blah blah and we're all descended from Africans, what's your point? We are talking about today. If you'd like to compare Samoans to Taiwanese, be my guest and have fun with that. But here's a little hint...Samoans practiced extreme eugenics, creating an entirely different branch...and all polynesians then descended from them.

the haoleness on this thread is deserving of a beatdown that looks something like this. :)

Kostakio - VectorWegaLives - Kostakio - VectorWegaLives - 4pdboxing - "moms last name is Shin and looks oriental"Like an "Oriental" rug? You mean a rug from the Orient?  Kinda like a Hawaiian rug or an American rug?Orientals apparently don't like to be called that.  Yeah, the racist ones don't like it.Racist orientals you mean?Okay, look... I had this conversation with someone at work yesterday and he was going on and on about how they don't like to be called that, etc. and how he corrects people (he's Irish) when he hears 'em. But my only gripe with it is that you can't call 'em "Asians" either because that encompasses way too many countries (Indians are Asians also!). So unless you say Chinese, Japanese, etc. you can't really call 'em anything else BUT that if you can't use "Orientals". 

I dont know too many Asians that will get offended for being called Asians. On the other hand, I've seen some people flip out for being called orientals.

BTW polynesians ARE asians. Like someone said above, due to their diet and surrounding environment with time, they have grown to be larger.

These guys are obviously Chinese...

tan guy looks hawaiian. LOL!

lol, Actually he looks a lot like that.

DREAM - What I don't understand is why the main land asians are usually small, yet the islanders are so fucking strong and athletic.

Now this is an interesting question.

The closest relatives to Polynesians are SE Asians such as Filipinos, Malays. They look similar in many respects however the size difference is ten fold

I believe the more black Polynesians are may be related to the Negritos in the Phillipines, Moken in the Andaman Sea and the Australian Aborigines. I dont think there is consensus amongst athropologists on this though.

Comparing the climate of SE Asia to the South Pacific is very similar. I think I may have read that the heavy use of the taro plant and napping in Polynesian culture may have lead to their size.

DREAM - harderthanever - Astroninja is right about native hawaiins being polynesian but wrong about the order very wrong samoans, maoris and other polynesian groups are all descended from the hawaiins. Bj penn does look like he has poly blood even if your parents have only a small amount of the blood it can still be expressed quite strongly in appearance, would also explain the chub factor. LMFAO at the idiots confusing polys with native americansPolynesians are decendants of Taiwanese. Hawaii is just a big melting pot of various asians.

Polynesians are decendants of native Taiwanese, not Taiwanese of Chinese origin.

Hawaii is a melting pot of Polynesian, Asians such as Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean and white Americans as well as the Portugese as well i think.

Polynesians are not "Asian." They are under the Mongloid origin of "race" but so are native Americans. You can trace everyone back to Africa as mentioned.

If you think about, depending on the settlement of latitude, the descendants of those migrating from Asia still resemble their Asian counterparts:

The Inuit, native Canadians in the Artic region still look very much like norther Asians like Japanese, Korean.

The further south you go, whether South America or Polynesia, the (pure blooded) natives there resemble SE Asians such as Filipinos and Malays.

His father is Irish and English. His mother, Lorraine Pualani Shin, is native Hawaiian and third-generation Korean.