Is Sean O'Malley

That is about being an influencer more than hip hop culture or being black.


Also I don’t think people ever “want to be black”. People want to be cool because they want attention and want to be noticed. They see black people as “cool” so they dress the way a black person dresses, act like them, etc… and also some people just hang around a lot of black people and therefore pick up on mannerisms and such.


Real Ass Wigga in action


Mike Perry, Nate Landwer (spelling)
Are more wiggerish imo

Not to mention D’Sean, who’s fighting for a title


Imagine being tattooed by a snitch.

He’s trash is what he is


No actually he’s a person

I know right

Getting those clicks …. Internet fans = money

He looks like a juggalo or whatever they call themselves

Insane clown posse mongaloids. I thought that was a practical joke until I looked into it more. Can you imagine if you had a kid that got into that shit…

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The man who will end SO’M

Fox Tv GIF by Hell's Kitchen

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You put me in there with Sean o Mallory and I will knock his pink hair clean off. That right hand of his isn’t shit, I’d walk through it like Terry funk.

That’s not Umar doofus

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Your getting Ur usmans and umars mixed up.
That pic I posted is the 55 chump in BellaSnore

Oh shit I gotta go delete a tweet then

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Hardcore Casual , gonna hardcore casual

BoydBucky 50-42 over NDA