Is there a reason why Mo vs Rampage isn't

headlinging the ppv for Bellator?


I may be a couple days late but to my understanding Tito got injured and Bellator couldn't find a replacement so they are going to just air it on Spike instead of ppv.


Mo is all about getting money, and main eventing a ppv is a great way to accomplish that.  Mo and Rampage may have squashed the beef, but I don't think they are buddy/buddy and training partners.


I'd be more interested to see that fight than Tito vs Rampage.


Is there a reason why this fight didn't happen? Was it proposed?



All of your questions are answered in this conference call.

Lazy when it comes to bellator... What's the answer? Phone Post 3.0

Basically Bellator paid Atilla Vegh to train for this fight in America in case Mo or Newton got hurt.  But they had no back up plan for Tito/Rampage.  Nothing made sense.  Mo vs Rampage was talked about.. but for such high caliber fights it didn't make sense on such short notice Bjorn said.  Also Rampage will be fighting on Spike TV in November.  Bjorn said before Thanksgiving Rampage will have a fight.

Damn, I have to listen to a Bellator conference call?  I barely catch 2/5 of the UFC conference calls.


My curiosity may not be strong enough to find the answers.....

Keithadamberrydotcom - 

Basically Bellator paid Atilla Vegh to train for this fight in America in case Mo or Newton got hurt.  But they had no back up plan for Tito/Rampage.  Nothing made sense.  Mo vs Rampage was talked about.. but for such high caliber fights it didn't make sense on such short notice Bjorn said.  Also Rampage will be fighting on Spike TV in November.  Bjorn said before Thanksgiving Rampage will have a fight.

I take this as King Mo didn't have enough time to train and therefor didn't want to accept the fight.