Is there any talk of Posting via Android phones?

I've been on this site for over a year and have like 10 posts but I'm on the forums every single day on my phone at work but I have the motorola droid and I can't post ever... Anyone know if that's gonna happen soon, or if at all? I'll pay extra :-p

you can post. just get the dolphin browser ap

will do thanks man

 Dolphin Browser and in the settings toggle it for Desktop View

Hi from a Droid incredible 2

no app, nothing fancy just from internet browser that came with the phone.

Posting from dolphin browser thanks all... and I think iphone is next step for me real soon!

Seriously! Improve the fucking droid app!!!!!!!

Yeah I'm with jake it would be much faster if they just improved the app... especially bc it wasn't free.

And I'm sure usng the browser this was drains the battery much quicker than if it werre part of the app