Islam Calling Out Leon For Title

Colby should cut to 155 and call out Shittiestofreligions


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It’s going to be great flushing pieces of shit like this from the UG when Islam wins his second weight title :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You mean further solidify Khabib as GOAT when his beat up guy runs through a second division.

Guy has just fought a FW and is now going after a WW. Make a few defences against actual 155’ers first for fucks sake.


They never fought so training is…….just training. Khabib never even dipped his toe in any water above 155. Hell if Islam has four defenses and beats ONE top 10 contender at 170 he will have done more than Khabib did. Hell he might have already done more; he beat a sitting champion. Khabib never did that


Ridiculous. Hard to believe the UFC plays along with this nonsense. Should put a stipulation in contracts that if fighter fights in different weight class, has to give up title in current weight class and stay in new weight class. This will prevent title hastes like McGregor’s and Islam’s, among other things.

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It’s a business first and a sport second. You are thinking it is the other way around.


Not really. You’re thinking short-term business revenue at the expense of long term business revenue and longevity at best, and the short-term argument is mediocre at best, especially when talking about low-draw champs such as Leon and Islam. If we’re in the business of knowing what others are thinking…

Yes, really. That is why Conor was allowed to jump immediately to a title shot at 155. Because it’s a business. Both short term and long term business has grown because Zuffa and now Endeavor / TKO run it as a business first and a sport second. The proof is decades long.


Not really the worst thing. LW is deep enough, most of the top 10 guys will put up a good fight.

Lol wat

It actually makes more sense to do it if the champs aren’t popular.

hes scared of Volk. lol

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Rather go UP a division than fight that fuckin’ tasmanian devil again. I hope they do fight again. Volk said that he made the mistake of being too cautious and respecting the takedown too much. A rematch would be awesome.

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Business 101. Don’t sacrifice your product (in this case, “sport”) for a quick profit. In this case, not sure there is even a such a profit. You put Islam against a goat in Abu Dhabi and it sells out even if he fucks it rather than fights it.

Secondly, this ain’t Conor. These are Islam and Leon. The Conor phenomenon was that of a pioneer. How many double champs since him catapulted the business as he did? If at all, it wasn’t Conor’s double champing that aided UFC to become more successful in the short run. It was Conor.

Thirdly, Islam winning then leaving (which was reported he plans to do soon) can hardly be argued as good for business because he’ll be leaving two weight divisions with, at best, 2-3 prospects stuck with a champion who’s that only because Islam left.

1st: The UFC has been running their organization as business first and a sport 2nd and they took it from a startup to a 12 billion dollar monster.

That beats walls of text explaining otherwise.


1st: you’re repeating yourself as if I ever argued UFC was not a business first. The UFC like any other money-making endeavor running first as business then as X. Nothing new here. Has nothing to do with double champing being bad for business, and arguing that Conor’s double champing is the proof rather than Conor and his myriad other influences has no base nor bearing on following double champing including this one. That beats repetitive arguments that state the obvious.