Imagine these cowardly rats trying to come at the king
Yes many people want Connor and the Money fight.
Have u seen jack in any pics?
This is him
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You literally look like a Puerta Rican Whore.
I know
Who is this fucking retard?
How is it possible this place actually got worse?
Oh no Jack is upset , awww
When I was enemies of jack I’d post his picture’s
That’s not him
Burners trying to come up on the king
Why so you get so upset, hesus
I’ve posted my pics several times here with various fighters, everyone know who I am.
I don’t see it
Fucking groupies
That is true
I remember the one with u and Ubereem
Ur new tho
What was Ur last SN
The irony, you just bragged about your groupie pics with guys you are fans of.
I don’t remember, it was long time ago.
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