Islam Makhachev: I can beat Leon Edwards anywhere

Imagine these cowardly rats trying to come at the king :rofl: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yes many people want Connor and the Money fight.

Have u seen jack in any pics?

Glozell GIF



This is him

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YARN | What the hell are you talking about? | The Truman Show (1998) |  Video clips by quotes | 38f0cdca | 紗


I know

Who is this fucking retard? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

How is it possible this place actually got worse?

Oh no Jack is upset , awww


When I was enemies of jack I’d post his picture’s

That’s not him

Burners trying to come up on the king :face_with_hand_over_mouth:




Why so you get so upset, hesus :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’ve posted my pics several times here with various fighters, everyone know who I am.

I don’t see it

Fucking groupies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That is true
I remember the one with u and Ubereem

Ur new tho

What was Ur last SN

The irony, you just bragged about your groupie pics with guys you are fans of.

I don’t remember, it was long time ago.

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