It happened. Shane Carwin Meets superCalo.

superCalo - 

Finally get a chance to log on and I see calo has been frozen

The bright side is Shane took the time to get a couple pics taken ....good thing because another few days of being ignored and the UG's own Captain America may have had to have a chat with him....lmao jk

Super appreciate everyone's support. I've been asked lately for updates but ill just say not doing well at all but when I woke up this morning I saw the grass and not the roots so the day wouldn't be all that terrible. I will be spending October and December in the hospital and my wife will be staying with her mother.

Knowing the next week or so I sleep next to my wife may be the last is just tearing me apart. Before any of you goto sleep tonight make sure to squeeze your significant other and your kids tight.

Cancer doesn't care whether you want to live or not. Phone Post


Makes most of the day to day  issues & problems we have seem pretty petty in comparison when this is  about life, death and family.

At the end of the day health and family are the most important things we have, all the rest is dust in the wind, but we can make a difference by trying, attempting to do the right thing.

Makes one think, dont have regrets now, dont have should ofs, do the right thing now, make the honourable choices.

Thanks to all those involved in maing this hapen



Chris Camozzi

Shane Carwin

Dace for giving people a reason to come together over this.

all the rest involved


excellent post brotha, vote this man up!

Since this thread has been posted, 9 more shirts have been ordered.

Big thanks to Shane for the publicity. You're a gentleman and a scholar. Can't wait to see this season of TUF!

VTFU for Calo


Every time I've worn my shirt I get people asking me questions about it.  Gonna buy a couple more as gifts  for friends that occasionally lurk here.  Stay strong Dace!

 oh and welcome back sirCalo!

 Welcome back Mister superCalo esquire

Cyril Jeff -
superCalo - 
UGCTT_NKTKDace -  Finally get a chance to log on and I see calo has been frozen

The bright side is Shane took the time to get a couple pics taken ....good thing because another few days of being ignored and the UG's own Captain America may have had to have a chat with him....lmao jk

Super appreciate everyone's support. I've been asked lately for updates but ill just say not doing well at all but when I woke up this morning I saw the grass and not the roots so the day wouldn't be all that terrible. I will be spending October and December in the hospital and my wife will be staying with her mother.

Knowing the next week or so I sleep next to my wife may be the last is just tearing me apart. Before any of you goto sleep tonight make sure to squeeze your significant other and your kids tight.

Cancer doesn't care whether you want to live or not. Phone Post

Makes most of the day to day  issues & problems we have seem pretty petty in comparison when this is  about life, death and family.
At the end of the day health and family are the most important things we have, all the rest is dust in the wind, but we can make a difference by trying, attempting to do the right thing.
Makes one think, dont have regrets now, dont have should ofs, do the right thing now, make the honourable choices.

Thanks to all those involved in maing this hapen

Chris Camozzi
Shane Carwin
Dace for giving people a reason to come together over this.
all the rest involved

excellent post brotha, vote this man up!


Man I'm running out of VU's quicker than hookers run out of condoms. Phone Post

Un ban calo! And props to big sexy!! Phone Post

blupitt - Un ban calo! And props to big sexy!! Phone Post

It's okay brotha, he's back amongst us. Phone Post


i swear Shane looks like someone you wouldnt want to mess with .

Sub Phone Post

Phone Post

 Fighter Fashion is on board

BobD -  Fighter Fashion is on board

Awesome, thanks for sharing this. The more awareness we can create the more money we can raise.

 That is fantastic

I too feel as if I've somehow touched a unicorn.



On board - by far best looking model yet (sorry Carwin).