It’s official, BJJ is now Karate/TKD …

this guy gets it

I dunno what Gracie schools you’re talking about, but I don’t see people getting their black belts that quickly. People I see getting their black belts have been training for over a decade.

I think that’s an exaggeration. I go to a Gracie Humaitá and I’ve been going consistently for about 4.5 years (before that I was doing off and on gi/no gi for about 2 years), and I’m a one stripe purple belt. I’ve never seen anyone progress through an entire belt in less than 2 years for the most part.


We teach modern BJJ Self Defense. Not the classical stuff…

This is also my experience

I lost all respect for bjj when I got a blackbelt. Just like I lost all respect for my women when she agreed to date me.
Bjj I wonder… if the initial post is not a troll… is the mail order belt IBJJF certified?

It boggles my mind. It like the bottom level of black belts is getting lower than ever. bout 15 year ago, even a legitimate black belt who was considered “shitty” would out BJJ or kick the crap out of most people, and was still a dangerous individual whether it was sport BJJ or fighting

And yes, the elite sport level of black belts are better than ever. The top of the food chain is growing even higher.

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IFBJJ have been very disappointing on this considering they banned globetrotters and they at least trained with the people they promoted.
They said he will never be registered, they said that when he got his email brown belt too but let him register his “team” at brown and his students can register and compete.
Then they say they can’t do anything now that he is a black belt because his team was registered when he was brown.
It’s all true