I have a huge list for this, but here's a few. Photos signed by Helio, IVC full signed by Wandy that I somehow lost, all UFC posters I completed (some of you have them, with some having 2 autos from a few fighters LOL), UFC 22 posters with Frank and JAcob, Fedor Pride gloves, Fatheads ufc49 gloves/shorts, a box of Padrones signed by Ditka, Nielsen, Deniro, Campbell, and Pesci, and my virginity.
"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks." -Calvin Broadus
i've only done a few trades and don't sell...not really into either...too many headaches
i lose shit all the time...usually when i'm searching for it to get signed...but always find it later
i've been taken advantage of by people selling me shit...from not disclosing defects to theft...people that fuck over others have no honor...they take a big dump on their own name...over posters...lol
i've given a bunch of shit away
no regrets though
I wish I would of held onto my topps sealed boxes a little longer than i did. Could of made a couple hundo more.
I regret not preordering the cases of them since I wanted 2 for myself.
Damn Chris Brennan has that poster?? WOW thats a nice one
I just thought of one I traded a Pride 1 ticket for two Pride stickers.Should have kept that.
Hix, call me I have your photos.