It's that time again for pics you don't see alot of

@DY3 This real?

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I think there were a few from the SI photo shoot. Where she was painted? Certain parts were exposed.

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She did two different body paint sessions.I don’t know who for.



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You just don’t get 1,000 posts threads anymore unless they are about Paige Van Zant.

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It was a good thing too because he ended up with a silver medal.


She’s been at the fucking filters and airbrushes again.
She should just show her hog :pig2: like body without touching up her pics.
Little miss piggy

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I recall the rest of the story now. It was dissected ad infinitum here, this is the gist of a giant thread. He gave one of them a massage, the story was after training they were drinking a few beers and one of them said he had a sore shoulder, so joao wow wow administers the “massage”, he supposedly wasn’t alone with any of them. The kid’s parents found out about the beer and massage and filed the charge. Regardless, it’s sketchy and at the very least shows an incredible lack of social sense and complete absence of anything remotely approaching critical thought.

Dude, come on lol

this was the gist of the trial and the thread that followed it. It doesn’t matter if it fits your preconceived notions or not. Personally, i wouldn’t have let him within a mile of my children, based on his lack of common sense alone

True that

Wrong thread.


excuze me

Take a look.Scroll down until you can’t scroll down anymore & there is what 2 or 3 threads with 1000 posts?Look at how low the numbers are on average.

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Tito’s 1st or 2nd trading card.



That Hotmail though…