I've Been Trolled


Poor guy thought it was just a love letter he was writing to Tracy and never imagined he was going to have to see his words cut and pasted straight into MMA internet immortality.

LOL! nice troll job.

This thread makes no sense.

He kind of disappeared after that came out eh?

Word on the street is brigham is hold up in some cheap motel in mexico trying to forget this ordeal.

MMA Playwrite - MOUTH, I find you seductive and attractive.

 We should bang.



 Normally I would think this was funny, but I really think it's pretty weak.....People wonder why guys go on shooting rampages and start killing innocent people.

I'm glad Brigham laughed it off, but I know that shit had to hurt....

The Sultan - 

 Normally I would think this was funny, but I really think it's pretty weak.....People wonder why guys go on shooting rampages and start killing innocent people.

I'm glad Brigham laughed it off, but I know that shit had to hurt....

 Sultan I find you seductive and attractive... yet intelligent and interesting

Malicious trolling isn't cool or funny, IMHO.....

Now, what would be funny if somehow Brigham found out who did that and shot him in the face several times after gutting him from navel to throat.....

Now, THAT would be funny.

The Sultan -

Malicious trolling isn't cool or funny, IMHO.....

Now, what would be funny if somehow Brigham found out who did that and shot him in the face several times after gutting him from navel to throat.....

Now, THAT would be funny.

You and your boobs are in need of what they called a "CHILL PILL" in the 80s.

 ^WOW, 5 fails in a row... Is that a new record or something?


playwrite, you can fucking suck a ballsack...

You wouldn't say that to my face.

 "If people were just picking on him for no reason, I agree, but he was on here calling fighters bitches and faggots and some dudes just got sick of it."


I don't know Brigham personally...I read the threads he wrote so I know what you are saying...


I'm just referring specifically to malicious trolling...It's tired and weak and plenty of people who don't deserve it get thrown under the bus...


Settle down, tough guy. I'm fairly sure I would.

At the same time, I apologize if you're really upset with me. I sometimes can't tell if someone is joking along or not. My intent was never to truly upset you. If that happened, I apologize.

I would love it for you to underestimate me and try it.....You think because of some online jokes that you know who I am?

Sadly mistaken buddy.  And FU with the "calm down" business.....Like I said, you wouldn't say that to my face.

you guys are mean..

by the way, I just texted jacob that I missed my flight.. :)

I'm on the plane... hehe

"Tracy, guten tag. Ja, ist Falco, Austrian rock singer. Ich find you seductive and attractive...yet intelligent and interesting."