Izzy vs Pereira -- something that isn't getting enough attention

It’s that reason right there. I’m leaning more towards Alex, not for the fact that he’s beat him twice, but the psychological factor there helps him a lot too. But the size difference I remember looking at that picture of Alex standing beside dominic Reyes and I was like damn he’s bigger than him.


Both of their fights were in the Chinese promotion Glory of Heroes. Both of the fights were also 3x3 rounds.

False. He’s fighting guys his size now. Jan is much bigger. Look at some of his kickboxing fights. He fought at middleweight, cruiserweight, heavyweight. Often fought well above his own natural size.

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Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. But it matters in psychological terms, for both fighters.

I remember scoring the first fight for Adesanya, but Alex got the decision. So there’s that. In the second fight, Israel had him hurt, not just once, but on multiple occasions before the KO. He was also winning that fight.

So what matters more. The official result of the fights, or what happened during the 15+ minutes that they fought? What I mean is, Israel knows he basically won the first fight. He also knows he was winning the second and had Alex hurt before he got caught. So he essentially has beaten him probably 12 or 13 of the 15 minutes they fought. If you don’t get caught up on that KO, as a fighter, your mentality should be that you’re better, and anyone can get caught. Now he wants to go in there and prove he’s the better man, despite what history says. He understands the danger in front of him and will be well prepared.

That will be Izzy’s mentality. From what I’ve heard Alex say, he thinks he has Izzy’s number. That he’s already beat him twice and he’s just gonna walk in there and beat him again.

If that’s his mentality, it is to his detriment.

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Alex looks bigger than Jan

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Yeah he looks as big, or bigger.

I just rewatched the first fight. Israel was even more impressive than I remember. Everywhere the fight went, he was better. Even when Alex was in boxing range… Israel was landing clean punches. Pereira landed some good shots towards the end of the 2nd, but overall, he didn’t throw much, and the strikes he did throw, Izzy blocked/parried/slipped most. Alex and his team must have paid off those judges, that was a really bad decision.

I’m about to rewatch the second fight.

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I think Adesanya wins the decision in a terrible fight. This fight will leave all fans disgusted. It’s going to be a boring shitfest. Adesanya with the Kalib Starnes gameplan only the judges will award him the win and the UFC will defend it. Dana will say it was a great fight. This fight is going to suck balls. You guys that are expecting a masterful kickboxing spectacle are going to be disappointed.


I think Alex looked pretty sucked-in

Yeah but he’s champ because he beats on sloppy MMA fighters that are mesmerized by his jab-low kick-runaway combination

It wasn’t a bad decision. The first was close but they each won a clear round after. Alex deserved to win that

Those were cans on the kickboxing regional scene. Jan lit his skinny ass up

We’re hoping Izzy gets knocked out

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As much as I hope Stylebender loses, he won’t. Even thought he got knocked dead, you can’t put THAT much into a one shot KO if a person had been losing much of their previous fight before landing a big one.

He didn’t even look that good against Strickland outside of one bomb. Fighters like that go far but rarely become the best.

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You’ve got a point that’s why I’m avoiding betting on this fight

No. Just no. The fight wasn’t close at all. Competitive and Alex had his moments, but he rarely landed anything clean. Terrible decision. Rewatch the fight.

Yeah he looked terrible the two minutes and thirty seconds the fight lasted…

Lol no he didn’t. And those weren’t cans. He fights very legit guys and ended his career in GLORY.

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Jan outstruck him on the feet and treated him like a grappling dummy on the ground.

The commentators kept praising Adesanya for his feints while Jan was punching and kicking his face

And Jan is also overrated


Alex will ballon back to 220