JBJ Says He Has Possible Nerve Damage In His Bicep


Trains Suck - Jon Jones is hamming it up so he can try and look like a warrior. He is not injured.

What a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't already consider Jones one of the greatest warriors who has ever lived will never be convinced, nerve damage or otherwise.

Wicked Enzo - 
jsize03 -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming - 
Wicked Enzo - 
Perfer Et Obdura - Good

  exactly what i came here to post

Classy post from someone who is promoting a cancer site... ridiculous.

  not sure what the 2 have to do with eachother.  I hate Ball Cancer and am striving to help raise awreaness so young men don't die from a diesease that is easily treatable and I dislike Jon Jones but it doesnt really seem like they correlate. please explain further

Are you really going to pretend to act stupid?

Poor excuse of an explanation. Do you understand sarcasm? Do I really hope that permanent damage is done to jones? No. I've been a Vitor for 10 years and wanted my guy to win. Get over yourselves Phone Post

There's a difference in wanting your guy to win and coming into a thread to say it's "good" that JBJ might have nerve damage.

So I was the first poster to say "good"? Phone Post

LOL there is some iron-clad logic going on here. I guess since you didn't say it FIRST, you were obviously being sarcastic. And from:

"exactly what I came here to post" we should have been able to deduce that you really meant: "I may not like Jon Jones, but I don't want him to have any permanent damage"

fasthandssam - 
Trains Suck - Jon Jones is hamming it up so he can try and look like a warrior. He is not injured.

What a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't already consider Jones one of the greatest warriors who has ever lived will never be convinced, nerve damage or otherwise.

I meant warrior in the sense of being "tough", not warrior in the sense of being a great fighter. He IS that no doubt.

Breaking news: 25 year old idiot/liar who presumably knows nothing about the medical world self-diagnoses injury

bartatua - Breaking news: 25 year old idiot/liar who presumably knows nothing about the medical world self-diagnoses injury

Yeah, he made it up on his own. No chance he could have been told that by the doctors backstage. Phone Post

Trains Suck - 
fasthandssam - 
Trains Suck - Jon Jones is hamming it up so he can try and look like a warrior. He is not injured.

What a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't already consider Jones one of the greatest warriors who has ever lived will never be convinced, nerve damage or otherwise.

I meant warrior in the sense of being "tough", not warrior in the sense of being a great fighter. He IS that no doubt.

Yea I figured that after I posted... it would be very foolish of Jones to fake something like that just to prove that he is some kind of tough guy. Then again, he isn't known for his wisdom...

fasthandssam - 
Wicked Enzo - 
jsize03 -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming - 
Wicked Enzo - 
Perfer Et Obdura - Good

  exactly what i came here to post

Classy post from someone who is promoting a cancer site... ridiculous.

  not sure what the 2 have to do with eachother.  I hate Ball Cancer and am striving to help raise awreaness so young men don't die from a diesease that is easily treatable and I dislike Jon Jones but it doesnt really seem like they correlate. please explain further

Are you really going to pretend to act stupid?

Poor excuse of an explanation. Do you understand sarcasm? Do I really hope that permanent damage is done to jones? No. I've been a Vitor for 10 years and wanted my guy to win. Get over yourselves Phone Post

There's a difference in wanting your guy to win and coming into a thread to say it's "good" that JBJ might have nerve damage.

So I was the first poster to say "good"? Phone Post

LOL there is some iron-clad logic going on here. I guess since you didn't say it FIRST, you were obviously being sarcastic. And from:

"exactly what I came here to post" we should have been able to deduce that you really meant: "I may not like Jon Jones, but I don't want him to have any permanent damage"

I know right!
Its honestly among the strangest, dumbest shit I've read on here.

I wonder if he is taking the piss or if he actually believes what he is saying makes any kind of sense.

Wicked Enzo its best not to have a public opinion about anything if you are involved with a charity i guess!

Wicked Enzo - 
jsize03 -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming -
Wicked Enzo - 
slamming - 
Wicked Enzo - 
Perfer Et Obdura - Good

  exactly what i came here to post

Classy post from someone who is promoting a cancer site... ridiculous.

  not sure what the 2 have to do with eachother.  I hate Ball Cancer and am striving to help raise awreaness so young men don't die from a diesease that is easily treatable and I dislike Jon Jones but it doesnt really seem like they correlate. please explain further

Are you really going to pretend to act stupid?

Poor excuse of an explanation. Do you understand sarcasm? Do I really hope that permanent damage is done to jones? No. I've been a Vitor for 10 years and wanted my guy to win. Get over yourselves Phone Post

There's a difference in wanting your guy to win and coming into a thread to say it's "good" that JBJ might have nerve damage.

So I was the first poster to say "good"? Phone Post

Nope. But that's why you came here, which is what you admitted in your first post. So if PEO wouldn't have beaten you to it, you would have been the first.

Your point?

Wicked Enzo - 

Well I guess I wouldn't have posted that had I know it was a "kill the poster" hot item. Live and learn I guess Phone Post

I'm not offended or outraged about what you said- people say dumb shit on here all the time, often much worse.... I am just amused by the logic you are employing.

This thread reeks of mental retardation and beta. Just saying.

Oh wow Phone Post

you spelled hulk wrong.

and with a heart like that, you'd make a great lawyer. asshole.

Russianorkhan - 
fasthandssam -
Trains Suck - Jon Jones is hamming it up so he can try and look like a warrior. He is not injured.

What a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't already consider Jones one of the greatest warriors who has ever lived will never be convinced, nerve damage or otherwise.

Ummm, seriously I have nothing against JBJ BUT do you NOT see the physical advantage he has over everyone at LHW? Especially a mw like belfort? I mean a 12 inch reach advantage? Are u fuckin kidding me? AND 4 inches taller? Wow...see this is why people are fedor "nuthuggers" because he was almost never ever the bigger guy and he deff never had a 12" inch reach advantage nor was he ever 4" inches taller then anyone he ever fought.....jones needs to move to the hw division quick if he wants respect....the physical advantages he has is crazy....I'm not saying he's not a great fighter (he is) but he has so many physical advantages that the fight just looks unfair from the beginning....sort of like a 3rd grader getting bullied by a 5th grader.. Phone Post

I understand what you are saying, and Jon Jones does have an exceptional physique, but fighting (and especially at the level he is competing at) is SOOO much more than a contest of height and reach.

No one seems very shocked that Kendall Grove isn't stampeding over the Middleweight division, despite the fact that he has stood taller and reached further than every opponent that has beaten him in the UFC (that I know of). Obviously, a long reach and some basic skills are not enough to make you a world beater.

It is a disservice to the MONSTERS that JBJ has wrecked to simply chalk it up mostly to his reach. Like anyone who had that kind of reach could just hit Shogun with that flying knee, or solve Machida's rubix cube of timing, or choke out Rampage, or stand close enough to Rashad to elbow him, have him KNOW that you are going to elbow him, and then proceed to smash his face with an elbow exactly the way he was expecting it just because you are that goddamn fast. Like anyone with superior reach could take Hamill and Vera down in the first round and ragdoll them.

Yes, JBJ has superior reach. But what he has been able to do with that reach transcends fighting. His movements carry the Platonic Ideal of martial power and enter into the rarefied air of art-form (also breathed by Anderson Silva)

Just my opinion.

P.S. - I think JBJ has legs that are too skinny for heavyweight. He looks one Cain Velasquez leg kick away from pulling a Cory Hill. But I'd still watch him compete that's for damn sure.

Russianorkhan - 
fasthandssam -
Trains Suck - Jon Jones is hamming it up so he can try and look like a warrior. He is not injured.

What a waste of time. Anyone who doesn't already consider Jones one of the greatest warriors who has ever lived will never be convinced, nerve damage or otherwise.

Ummm, seriously I have nothing against JBJ BUT do you NOT see the physical advantage he has over everyone at LHW? Especially a mw like belfort? I mean a 12 inch reach advantage? Are u fuckin kidding me? AND 4 inches taller? Wow...see this is why people are fedor "nuthuggers" because he was almost never ever the bigger guy and he deff never had a 12" inch reach advantage nor was he ever 4" inches taller then anyone he ever fought.....jones needs to move to the hw division quick if he wants respect....the physical advantages he has is crazy....I'm not saying he's not a great fighter (he is) but he has so many physical advantages that the fight just looks unfair from the beginning....sort of like a 3rd grader getting bullied by a 5th grader.. Phone Post

So your argumentis that he's too big and needs to go fight guys that are 6'6", 6'8", 6'11" to get respect?

I don't recall seeing anyone hate on Dominick Cruz. Have you seen him next to Faber and Mighty Mouse? Also, Corey Brown didn't do to well at 155.

Height is over-emphasized. It's basically just a way for haters to make excuses for JBJ's greatness. It couldn't just be that he's super talented, it's because he's bigger. Wahhh!