JDS Set to Rematch Werdum in Masvidal’s Bare Knuckle MMA

Who won?

Will Werdum be juiced to the Vitor?

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I hope so


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Anyone remember Cigano’s first wife,
The ugly fat one…

Great upgrade

Junior on the good good aswell

He actually looks kinda natty. No giant traps like Werdum. And holy shit is JDS wide

I know steroids…

He’s on juice in that pic above

Here he is last year in the UFC under USADA



I want answers!

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The fans

And it was a great bday present for me as history went down

I called it beforehand down to the submission werdum would use. I knew fedor would think he could fuck around in Werdum’s guard like he did Nog’s and would get caught quickly. Fedor hadn’t fought an elite bjj competitor since arona and he arguably lost that fight.


