Jen, come to Katrina event

Jen and other V.I.P.s, if you guys can come out to this event in order to boost the draw of crowd and allow us to rasie more aid for Katrina vitims. Also, if you can, help get the word out by posting a link on your site.

We at Huss Hybid Combat College and the C.A.D.R.E. Association send our support and prayers out to all the victims, rescue, and relief workers in the southern coast disaster area.

The International GrappleFest 2005 is slated for Sept 17-18 in Richmond, Va. In the spirit of helping those in need we have decided to donate a large portion of the proceeds to victims of Hurrincane Katrina.

Please attend to help out a worthy cause.
Martial Artists and well as Musical Artists both will be turning out in force to support this event.

In addition to our plan to hold a fundraiser for the Team Reach program for at risk youth, this month's International Grapplefest 2005, the C.A.D.R.E. Association will donate 50% of this weekend's proceeds to disaster relief efforts.

Please do all you can for your fellow Americans at this time. You can make donations to: The American Red Cross at - Americares at -

International GrappleFest 2005

"Come for the competition, stay for the fun."

Sept 17-18th, 2005 is the date for the annual GrappleFest competition. This year's event will be an OUTDOOR martial arts festival that will blow your mind! A completely original concept. All levels and ages are welcome. A festival themed around intense Grappling competition and other martial arts, with something for everyone. If you enjoy,.....

* live music,

* one low price for ALL the Grappling matches you can handle,

* conveniently located in the heart of Virginia,

* beautiful surroundings,

* the highly competitive "Tap Factor" format,

* FREE multiple entries,

* the innovative "The Gauntlet" Martial Arts Olympics,

* Champion's Banquet,

* inexpensive overnight accommodations onsight,

* more styles of Grappling available than any other event in the World,

* something for everyone,

* and an awesome atmosphere!

.......then this year's will be on your "TO DO LIST"!

 Spectators are welcome too! It is a lot of fun to watch, plus we could use our own cheerleading section.  We are out to show that Martial Arts are something the whole family can enjoy.  There will be something for everyone!

 This year's GrappleFest will feature a wide variety of martial arts competitions for ALL conceivable forms of Grappling:  Submission Grappling, Jiu-Jitsu, Folkstyle Wrestling, Judo, Scottish Highland Wrestling, Sambo, Cuff'N'Stuff (MAYBE Sumo, Backhold Wrestling  too), etc.  There will also be something for those who prefer striking! 

International GrappleFest 2005 will host:

    <font color="red"><CENTER><b>"TAP FACTOR" 1st Annual Championships Tournament:</b></CENTER></font><CENTER>===========================================</CENTER>Pure Grappling across a wide spectrum of styles.  The division Champions will be awarded with their well-earned titles, trophy, Pro divisions recieve a belt, and a big surprise(sorry folks, I want to keep THIS part under wraps until the day of.)

"The GAUNTLET": Martial Artist Team Olympics

Unlike anything you've ever seen! Compete and win prizes! TEAM competition only, your 5 member team will go against teams representing other schools, states, and countries in a series of grueling events. Challenging your team across the board in a variety of areas; speed, strength, stamina, skill, teamwork, fighting spirit, get the picture.

Putting your skills to the test in a way that's,....Outside the Box! Tug-Of-War, Climbing Wall, 4-Way Joust, Obstacle Course, and many more. FREE to competitors. Can your team "Run the Gauntlet?"



There will also be a banquet Saturday night after the competition is over. All Champion's will have reserved seats at the head of the long-table. Wine, Dine, and make Merry.... Following the banquet there will be more live music performances at the main pavilion.
This is optional and is a separate cost.

Cabins and accommodations for +500!


There will be cabins available for those wishing to come early. Competitors get first choice! Come early Friday, weigh-in first, pig out, and then retire to your cabin to rest up for Saturday's challenges. And again for Sunday's line-up of events.

We all know what happens when we go to competitions as a team. Four guys get an $70 hotel room, split it 4 ways, then fight over who gets the bed and the floor. At the GrappleFest 2005 site everyone gets their own bed for around $15($12 or $18 depending on the cabins available)! No spooning or nightmare scenes from "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".


Sponsored by:

SOBE beverage company


Huss Hybrid Combat College

Trophies Forever

Combat College

House of Pain


C&S Rapid Copies

Carolina Cup

Attention potential vendors: Booths are 10'x10'. For booths or sponsorship opportunities contact us at 704-300-6253.

Anthony Huss

Directions To GrappleFest 2005:

In 2005 the venue will be located at a private campground outside of Richmond.
For directions go to:

See website for more.

We at Huss Hybid Combat College and the C.A.D.R.E. Association send our support and prayers out to all the victims, rescue, and relief workers in the southern coast disaster area.

The International GrappleFest 2005 is slated for Sept 17-18 in Richmond, Va. In the spirit of helping those in need we have decided to donate a large portion of the proceeds to victims of Hurrincane Katrina.

Please attend to help out a worthy cause.

Martial Artists and well as Musical Artists both will be turning out in force to support this event.

The Battle of the Bands has been amped up!

"Battle of the Bands":


The participating groups will play on Sat, Sun, or both. Best Band will receive award based on audience votes(screams). This event will receive exposure from local and national media.

Schedule and the openings for musical performances:

Sat: Sept 17

Opening ceremonies-10am Between competition throughout day till 8pm.

Champion's Banquet, dining hall

From 9pm-12pm, MIDNIGHT JAM session

Sun: Sept 18

Opening ceremonies-10am Between competition throughout day till 5pm

Closing Ceremonies, around 6pm.
POSSIBLE evening concert to be added, yet to be determined.

Nearly a dozen bands will be turning out to cheer on the fighters that weekend. PLUS, special performances from celebrity bands!

In addition to our plan to hold a fundraiser for the Team Reach program for at risk youth, this month's International Grapplefest 2005, the C.A.D.R.E. Association will donate 50% of this weekend's proceeds to disaster relief efforts.

Please do all you can for your fellow Americans at this time. You can make donations to: The American Red Cross at - Americares at -


We've got a shitload of bands lined up to play at the Midnight Jam concerts on Sat night and the evening Concert on Sun after the GrappleFest competitions and the Martial Arts Olympics are over!
With more bands joining soon! Bands include, but are not limited to:

YES bands:


Past Out!

Your fellow rebels

The Menehunes

Enduring Pain

Johnny Ireland

Grasping At Laws

Drama Queens


Vigilante Law

Heroes of the Forgotten Era

No Reward

No Pun Intended

That Band with the Fat Kids


MAYBE bands(not 100% yet):


Wangus Meat!

Wes Charlton

Secondhand Heroes

Gerhärdt and the Nervous Germans

The Reservoir

One of these;

Encircle, Rites of Ash, and Dave Goodrich(due to overlap)

Para Fin Aliah




Carolyn Nicely

All that AND 2 full days of action-packed Grappling being in the media limelight,..the way it should be!


Hello All Grapplers,

Attention anyone planning on attending the Sept 17-18

The pre-registration date has been extended to this
Wed Sept 14th at Midnight. I will be away from the
computer after that in order to do the set-up.

Please do not wait till the last second to sign up!!

Pre-registration is only $40, if you wait till the
last second to sign-up it will be $60.

Spectator tickets are $10 a day, children under 5 are
free. The concerts and car show do not cost extra.

Cabins onsight are still available. Cost is $15 per
bed/per night. Available Fri/Sat/Sun. These are
filling up fast. Bring your own linen.

The Champion's Banquet is on Sat. night after the
competition is over. This is a double entree catered
dinner in the Dinning Hall next to the main field.
Cost is $10 for person. Yum.

All entries, tickets, cabins, and meals can be bought
in advance on line. Please do not wait till the last
second, as this may cause a late start time. Or in
the case of food and a bed, you won't get either.

To pay got to:

To Reg go to:

Teams wishing to enter the Martial Arts Olympics, aka
"The Gauntlet" should email me list of ALL 5 members
names, and the team's elected name.

Need Volunteers. Those wishing to volunteer as staff
or refs please contact me.

Kindly RSVP when you get this.


Anthony Huss


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