Jenna claiming Tito is a drug addict and has pics


Holy shit.

Just let it go. Damb Phone Post 3.0

HossPearson - ^ *ate. Fucking autocorrect. Phone Post 3.0

I like the autocorrect version better.. I thought "she are dicks for money" was a joke about "I all my time with my babies"

What a beauty she was! Now, fuck man... it's like a piece of art got shit on.

In Phone Post 3.0

Oh boy, why does she keep talking about private issues on a social platform like twitter? shit's crazy

ruh roh

The Mouth -

Holy shit.

ibuprofen and syringes, proves nothing. yet.

ShaqNoob - 
The Mouth -

Holy shit.

ibuprofen and syringes, proves nothing. yet.

Im saying Holy shit to her actually getting started.

Ibuprofen's a hell of a drug Phone Post 3.0


This is going to be good

The Mouth -

Holy shit.

In Phone Post

2Fort - Oh boy, why does she keep talking about private issues on a social platform like twitter? shit's crazy

people want attention. she ate dicks for money and fame. This is romper room stuff.

The irony of Jenna accusing someone else of having a drug problem is amusing.


popcorn gif photo: Colbert Eating Popcorn hrzfab.gif
