She's attractive but those pics didn't do her any favors, expect some major airbrushing.
LBH_RN -Good one. VUSteve4192 -Feminine face of Joaquin Phoenix maybebleedblue1 - looks like a dude
Just looks like a beefy chick to me. She's got a very feminine face and hips. The only thing that makes her look 'manly' is a thick upper body, and even that is still more 'soft' than a typical athletic male upper body. She doesn't have any of the vascularity or muscular striation of chicks like Cyborg and Claudia Gadelha.

Swole Juliet Lewis
Bam57Bam - That's a man, man!
Would and wood
Those are bad pics of Eye. Jessica looks much better than that IMO.
Blame the photoshoot.
Those are some weird ass shadows, makes her look bad.
Not the most flattering pics of him.
bleedblue1 - looks like a dudeThis.

Call her Caitlin?
bleedblue1 - looks like a dudeThis

I'm down for some Eye, but those are horrible pics.
EKPOGI - she looks like ESPN will give her the Arthur Ashe award
Steven McTowelie - I'm down for some Eye, but those are horrible pics.This.

bleedblue1 - looks like a dudeHahaha

Can we get a weigh in pic?? you know, for science
Backstage we're havin' the time
Of our lives until somebody say
Forgive me if I seem out of line
Then she whipped out her gun and tried to blow me away!
shes ok