Jiu-Jitsu VS The World film update

Hey everyone, just a quick update to let you know that the film should be ready for release at the end of this month. It's taken a little longer than I initially planned, I was aiming to have it out by the end of last year but I underestimated the workload and so it's ran over slightly. It's been a big project, a lot for just one guy with a camera and a laptop. It's been really fun to work on though and I hope you all enjoy watching it.

Thanks again to everyone that supported the crowdfunding campaign last summer and to everyone that's pre-ordered DVD/Blu Ray's.

The film will be completely free to watch via my YouTube channel.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about here's the trailer I put out a couple of months back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvTqS1zN5-Y


Solid! Phone Post 3.0

WTF?? People pre-ordered DVDs and you're going to make make it free to watch??


HotSteppa - WTF?? People pre-ordered DVDs and you're going to make make it free to watch??
Those people donated to the go fund me, and in exchange got a DVD. Fairly certain it was always known that a lesser than DVD quality would be put on YouTube for the masses to see, as was ROLL.

There is no conspiracy here. Phone Post 3.0

Looking forward to it. Getting my poster framed. Congratulations, man. Phone Post 3.0

HotSteppa - WTF?? People pre-ordered DVDs and you're going to make make it free to watch??

I said it would be free on YouTube from Day 1. The DVD and Blu Ray's were produced as an after thought for anyone that wanted to help support future projects, these will also contain bonus content and extras that won't be available elsewhere. Everyone that has purchased one knows that they could just watch it on YT for free. There will also be digital download packages available for people that have requested than option.

torquemada - Looking forward to it. Getting my poster framed. Congratulations, man. Phone Post 3.0

Awesome! Be sure to send me a pic, they're huge, right?!

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

Great news, looking forward to watching this! Phone Post 3.0

"Roll: Jiu-Jitsu in So Cal" is my Star Wars. It was like watching "Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Action vol. 1" for the fisrt time 20 years ago. Star Wars.

I pre ordered the DVD, from speaking to Tone Anderson the project sounds awesome so happy to contribute (and get the DVD)
Good work Dan Phone Post 3.0

So many things costs money, but don't deserve it. Not that much are available for free, but deserve to be paid for. Any way to support your work?

GARRA - I pre ordered the DVD, from speaking to Tone Anderson the project sounds awesome so happy to contribute (and get the DVD)
Good work Dan Phone Post 3.0

Thats awesome man, thanks for the support! Keep an eye out for Tone in the film :)

foreverwhitebelt - So many things costs money, but don't deserve it. Not that much are available for free, but deserve to be paid for. Any way to support your work?

I'm producing a small run of DVD and Blu-Ray's of the film along with extra content, this will also be available in digital download format for anyone that wants to own the film and support future projects.

Thanks for the kind words!

circusmonkey - "Roll: Jiu-Jitsu in So Cal" is my Star Wars. It was like watching "Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Action vol. 1" for the fisrt time 20 years ago. Star Wars.

Now thats a compliment haha, thanks man!

Eat Films -
torquemada - Looking forward to it. Getting my poster framed. Congratulations, man. Phone Post 3.0

Awesome! Be sure to send me a pic, they're huge, right?!
Will post on instagram and tag you. Yeah, it's a beauty. Phone Post 3.0

Where can I get blue ray copy? Phone Post 3.0

RoycevsYoshida2 - Where can I get blue ray copy? Phone Post 3.0

DVD's and Blu-Rays are available to pre-order at www.eat-films.com/store

Thanks for the support!