JKD Recommendations

Mr. Harris,
While I eagerly await your HJJ 100 series and the other series you have planned like your Jeet Kune Do series. Do you have any reccomendations on any Jeet Kune Do or Fillipino Martial Arts Instructionals that would be worth looking at? Thanks.


I don't think you could go wrong with the following instructors:

Dan Inosanto
Paul Vunak
Burton Richardson
Matt Thornton

These are the series that I have seen. While I (personally) have differences in application with each set, I believe they all present something of value viewers!

Roy Harris

 Ron Balicki also in my opinionn. He has the Jeet Kune DO series and a few others. I have the JKD, and philipino boxing series and they are both really well done and the info is demonstrated pretty well and diffrent views. I haven't seen his defensive edge series but I believe it was one of the first ones he had done.