Joe Canada News

Friends and colleagues be warned: My wife and I are breeding the next generation of JuJitsu warrior.

The lil' guy/gal was rolling in utero for a couple weeks before we found out, so he's got a head start on the competition.

We're happy as clams, Cathy is over the worst of the morning sickness, and we're looking forward to the happy day (early November). Well, me more than her. I keep catching her staring worriedly at my massive head and rubbing her belly. Birth is not going to be nice to her if my little guy/girl gets this noggin!

Joe = Happy
Cathy = Happy

big congrats to both of you

Big Congrats , big head !! Let Cathy know that we are all praying the child has her genetics and not yours. By the way Joe, I thought the Canadian Government banned you from reproducing? Or is it okay as long as the deed happened on foreign soil? Good luck with everything Joe,wishing you a healthy, safe birthing.


Wow! Great news! Congrats to you and Cathy from Steph and I!



Congrats my man.

Fetus by placenta armbar, month 9!

Congrats Joe!

congrats joe,



Congrats !!!!