Joe Doerksen Sept updates. Wheeeeee!!!

Accidentally called Quinn by her name?

is she a vegetarian

A lot of ducking going on here right now.

I can't believe Doerksen's ducking me.

Or maybe he's just spending all his time with HER.

 Next stop, she's be sending him to the store to buy her tampons.


Doerksens locked in to her trap now :)

ttt for answers

You want answers? I'll give you answers.

Hold hands, lil bit. Have not used the word girlfriend, though it seems to be slowly moving in that direction. No, not on the forum. No ball in chain. No comment on sleepovers, that's filed under "noneofyourdamnbusiness".

Since she's shown no signs of being a hooker or giving me any headaches, she gets treated like a real human being. And no, I'm not missing any workouts or giving up on being a drunk, etc. I get to hang out with her sometimes, and still be me. It's a pretty good deal. Yeah Robin, we had the talk. No side dating.

Before any of you fuckfaces says it out loud, lemme warn ya. If ANYONE suggests that I might be growing up or maturing, they are gonna get a coupon for 1 free nutkick, that I will deliver at the time and place of MY choosing.

Go fuck yourselves, and I love you all.

Oh yeah, those coupons don't expire, ever.

She isn't vegetarian. She eats chicken and fish, but no beef or pork.

Robin, I did slip one time, and called her Quinn. It was a mistake, only happened once. Won't happen again.

 She don't eat beef?

Too bad...

For you.


JHR, you're insanely funny. For your talent as a comedian, I will award you with a coupon for 1 free kick in the nutz. The best part is you'll never know when it's coming. It's a surprise, just for you!!

What do I have to do to reserve one of those coupons for my friend Sean Quinn.


Joe, if you autograph it I can sell it on EBAY !


I'm feeling like you guys don't take my threats seriously. If this continues, I'm gonna start calling everyone liars and cowards, and spell that shit in capital letters, so you know I really mean it.



Joe Doerksen - I'm feeling like you guys don't take my threats seriously. If this continues, I'm gonna start calling everyone liars and cowards, and spell that shit in capital letters, so you know I really mean it.


I take you serious Joe. I fear you the proper amount. A lot.