Joe Lauzon: forehead update (pic)

March 7th - "Forehead update after getting some more #Graston work done. #ouch"

fucking one tough mofo right there, cant wait till Joe is back in the ring again, never a boring fight

Gnarly scar! Phone Post

Damn! Phone Post

Looks infected

really? while driving? :p


Joe fan for life.

Wonder what he did with the canvas!

With out a doubt, joe is the toughest nerd to walk the planet.

Scar looks joe, I like it! Phone Post

I always crack up when I see Joe's face, it's like he's got a perpetual thousand-yard-stare

Holy're right. The stare.

I love ya Joe, but your eyes scare me..... 

Letibleu - 

Wonder what he did with the canvas!

Here's one theory

it's not affected. He just left Grastin which scrapes the surface with a metal tool to break up scar tissue, which is why it's all red.

With all the fight announcements i was expecting one to be for Joe. Can't wait for his next fight

Chris -

it's not affected. He just left Grastin which scrapes the surface with a metal tool to break up scar tissue, which is why it's all red.

Fuuuuuuuuck Phone Post

Sweet scar dude!