Joe Rogan has a 17 year old son?

RedDragons -
phillymmafan - 17 year old sweet baby Jesus Phone Post 3.0

VTFU sir, nice one! Somehow that phrase ("Sweet Baby Jesus")and Kevin Perreira say "O.M.Jesus" makes me fucking giggle like a school girl siting on a washing machine. Must be the suppressed catholic guilt in me.
You just confirmed it and killed the joke.

If i ever meet you , drinks on me. Phone Post 3.0

17 year old gi pants Phone Post 3.0

So that's who Joe was trying to impress when he wore the Affliction dragon jeans a few years ago:)



AyyAnt - 17 year old who first off doesn't know how to post pics but is curious if anyone else has noticed how much Jacare has changed.

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Voted up.

17 year old Tony Danza

Pic of Rogan's son.  He's a top student!


^Lmao his DAUGHTER ! lol

17 year old sixteen year old. Phone Post 3.0

Ha Garv vu Phone Post

When I get to a computer Phone Post

And zippy Phone Post

17 year old redban surrogate son

17 Year Old Harry Potter Phone Post 3.0

17 year old shredded Jacare.......................





























































First off I don't know how to post pics.

I'm curious if anyone else has notices how much Jacare has changed. He is completely shredded now. He was always muscular, but his definition has really changed. Similar to Vitors. Look at Vitor when he fought Terry Martin or Hendo, and compare his build to his physic now. Look at Jacare when he fought Mousassi and then him at yesterday's weigh ins.

17 year old, fear is not a factor for them. Phone Post

17 year old mountain Lion Phone Post 3.0

crossfire - 
RedDragons -
phillymmafan - 17 year old sweet baby Jesus Phone Post 3.0

VTFU sir, nice one! Somehow that phrase ("Sweet Baby Jesus")and Kevin Perreira say "O.M.Jesus" makes me fucking giggle like a school girl siting on a washing machine. Must be the suppressed catholic guilt in me.
You just confirmed it and killed the joke.

If i ever meet you , drinks on me. Phone Post 3.0


UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 

^Lmao his DAUGHTER ! lol

That's Eddie Bravo.

17 year old copy of Quake Phone Post 3.0

17 year old primal bell that weighs 17 poids. Phone Post 3.0