… simmer down Liberal.
Rogan in the skies with Diamonds
You do realize short men wear lifts, right?
Yeah, but look at the size difference in their heads, their shoulders, their hands too.
Redbar is God of Thunder. And you are correct.
they are called cuban heels, man. and it’s a fashion thing, so fuck you
“How can Joe Rogan be 5 foot 3 if he’s taller than a man that’s the size of a 12 year old?”
Solid argument there.
On top of lifts, Brandon is barefoot.
I said, ‘If Joe Rogan is really five foot 3, then Brandon Moreno must be from Lilliput’.
the weird obsession with Joe’s height is bizarre. It’s been going on for for over a decade now.
It would make sense if he was freakishly tall or freakishly short. He’s a regular sized dude. 5’9" is average so if he’s 5’7", he’s on the small side of average.
It would be like people obsessing over a 5’11" guy being so tall. Like wtf are you people doing?
I didn’t measure him, but I’ve met Joe at two different ufc events and I’d be surprised if he’s actually 5’8. Maybe he is, but he seemed to be 5’5-5’6. I knew he wasn’t tall, but I was actually surprised at how short he was when I stood next to him. I’m not being shitty, he was very friendly and seemed like a nice guy.
I figured him for 5 8, i met him a few times.
Joey Diaz is way shorter than I thought hed be tho
Camera perspective. How does it work?
My friend met randy couture and was shocked at how short he was in person.
My buddy is 5’10".
Yeah right. Ari dick tucks to Joe every single time.