Joe Rogan-UFC-Howard Stern

For those that didn't know, Joe was on the Howard Stern show today and did an awesome job promoting the upcoming UFC. This is exactly why Joe Rogan is the best thing to happen to the UFC in a long time. Big thank you to Joe Rogan for all of his support of MMA and UFC throughout the years. Joe's the man!!

Joe Rogan deserves the be the next inductee into the UFC Hall of Fame!

Joe always goes on Stern and always does a good job promoting the ufc. I think it's uber cool that Howard always asks about Fear Factor and Joe is quick to get back to talking about the ufc. His passion cannot be faked.

TTT for Joe Rogan. Thank you.

J.Ro is the man!!

Joe has always gone the little extra to help push this great sport. Time after time, he has stepped up and we all should really appreciate him. Not to mention, what he does and tries to do, that we never hear about.

Thats why myself, along with many others get so pissed when the idiots in here put him down in anyway.

Joe did awesome in putting the sport over