What ever happened with that fight?! I heard Rogan wanted a piece of Snipes real bad. Any talk of that picking back up in the future? Speaking of Rogan, I heard he is crazy-nasty at BJJ, brown belt under Eddie Bravo. Why doesn't he compete???
Too busy getting high and banging would be starlets IMO.
Wesley went to prison to escape Joe.
Snipes was just desperate for money, never wanted any part of fighting anybody legitimate (he probably realized Joe was legitimate sometime between first agreeing to it and backing out).
I've heard Rogan say in the past that he wouldn't want to be a fighter because of the irreversible brain damage.
Ah, yes I have heard that as well. Speaking of INSANE fights, remember when Dana started training to fight Tito?!?!?!? Now, who do you have your $$$ on that if it ever happens?!?