John Brookfield is Strong

Card tearing on Regis and Kathie Lee show.

tower of terror with a 112 lb. kettlebell

Brookfoeld coils a 9/16th inch steel rod so tight, that it can fit into a small postal box.

starts at 3 min. 45 seconds

. Phone Post

Brookfield has grabbed a raw potato and crushed it using just one hand.

Very few people on the planet can accomplish that.

xcouturefan - Brookfield has grabbed a raw potato and crushed it using just one hand.

Very few people on the planet can accomplish that.

I can do that to a stewed tomato!

I can do that to a dozen grapes, easy.

 His books are good. I injured my hand tearing cards few years back and never was same. The tape wrapped Chinese balls are a very good warm up.  

 He makes bonsai metal trees with his hands


 Good link:John Brookfield's Grip Training - Index