John Rallo vsCarlos Moreno

When is this fight happening? and how is John stand up?

I think the fight was scheduled for Reality Fighting 6 but Rallo had more important things to take care of at the time with family, etc.

Moreno is tough but Rallo IMO should be in the UFC already. He would be a good guy to throw into the UFC Hwt. mix...i can't see too many guys beating him.

Rallo is a complete fighter...he can do it all...i took quite a few beatings courtesy of him in training :)

ttt for the Mayor of Baltimore....


Foremost, we hope that the Rallo family member who's poor health has understandably drawn John's attention and primary concern of late is soon 100 percent healthy. When that family crisis is over and John focuses fully on MMA again, I'm certain that any one that he faces in a ring or cage will find a very complete fighter there, comfortable on his feet, as well as on the ground. But as for now, prayers and best wishes for the Rallo family!

What's up Bill Mason? I see you are still kicking are a true inspiration to all grapplers.


Best wishes to his Family.