Dude looked nervous as hell was shaking his microphone all over the place.
Wow you're a loser. Who the hell other than you is watching the guy's mic shaking and why do you care if he's nervous??
Cut the guy a break first ufc event bound to be nervous.
It was very distracting during the interviews. I hope it's not a sign of some sort of serious medical issue.
I thought Anik did an outstanding job personally. I admit at one point I was wondering if he was on some type of substance, but overall he did alot better then I thought. I enjoyed him more then Kenflo.
the garz - It was very distracting during the interviews. I hope it's not a sign of some sort of serious medical issue.
I have a good friend whose hands sometimes shake. but I don't have the balls to ask him about it . he's a very healthy person who works out regularly and has fought before as a ammy. but I see small hand tremors from time to time and it makes me nervous...weird
standupwarrior - Wow you're a loser. Who the hell other than you is watching the guy's mic shaking and why do you care if he's nervous??I do/did, and the reason is that I have a background in public speaking. Much of the problems with delivery and dead air in the broadcast seemed to stem from nerves. If so, can you blame Anik? Honestly, it's a good sign. Nerves will fade, and when they do Kenny and Jon will make for a smoother product.
My major critique is that Anik needs to adjust his tone. His voice sounds way too much like Kenny. Makes it confusing for the audience.
Does that answer your question?
I didn't notice at all. I felt he came off as remarkably comfortable.