joslins crew

I know the gym is closed as of today but last night our Shidoshi said we can train at 7. So bring your gi and no-gi stuff.

Some of us are going into to train at 6:30pm. Me, PJ, Nemesis Jack, Adam, Dean and mentioned it to Yurg's on Tuesday.


6:30 it is. I wasn't there tuesday but last night i coulda swore jeff said that the doors would be locked today but he'd be in at 7 and we could train then.

Wiley, do one of you guys have keys?

Not me but I think PJ does.

iley, if youre going in tonight give me a call please.

Gabora, call me regardless when you can bro!

Any of you gay-bees training next week???????

Members are training this Sunday Dec.26/04 (Boxing Day) at 6:00pm in the evening. Bring both your GI and No-GI stuff.


Sunday at 6pm? Hey guys... can "I" come?


Not Lettuce it's an unwritten rule that you must be there to train over the holidays or it simply wouldn't be the same. C'ya Sunday 6pm.

Members only eh.....Well I guess I'm out that means!! See you at the GTA.....Keep your head up Wiley!!!!


The stars are aligned for 6pm sunday.

A big "WTF?" to Jack "The Worm" Polska and his whereabouts Thursday night. Jack, sensei may not forgive you for not showing up so make sure you're there sunday.

I place a bounty on Wiley's head.

Whom ever makes him tap out to a baby toe lock and crap himself in the process this Sunday takes the prize.


Allow me to re-phase my previous posts so I do not offend anyone.

People are training this Sunday Dec.26/04 (Boxing Day) at 6:00pm in the evening. Bring both your GI and No-GI stuff.

KWANZANATOR I thought you had a lifetime membership?


Don't try to ignore the price on your head Wiley!


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a happy new year to all my Joslin brothers. I look forward to training with you guys again in a couple of months!!!

I forgot Wiley....the 1980's called and they want there dance moves back!!!!! ha ha ha ha!!


Sunday at 6, why so late I'm on nights anyone for the afternoon?

To all the members I haven't seen in a while or the ones I won't see for a few days.....

Merry Christmas.