JRE Fight Companion live on YouTube

Will be the first time I’ve watched JRE since Spotify deal


Why haven’t you watched since the Spotify deal?

but why must he have schaub on?


eddie got old

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That’s a deal breaker for me.

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I’m not on Spotify. Not downloading that or signing up.

Also, JRE became very uninteresting once it stopped being live.



Brandon and those lip fillers :man_facepalming:

Callen: What’s in your fanny pack Joe?
Joe: Weed and Fear Factor money.

Lmfao that was a good one

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TIL Jon Anik has an identical twin brother with long hair:

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Where can watch this one? I only got the audio on my Spotify

Looks like Stanley Tucci

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Also comments made JRE so much better and engaging. YouTube comments are a great source of comedy.

I am surprised Spotify does not add them. They are a great way to build up community and keep the audience engaged.

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this post might be an actual sign of the coming apocalypse…

pretty good fc last night
schaub didnt get on my nerves much

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His whole wrap about not reading the comments is retarded. It might work for him, but when a cunt like schaub doesn’t listen to his audience then can’t figure out why engagements and views are down, is just retarded.


Lol @ everyone on the fight companion not even considering the possibility that Volk didn’t win. They were absolutely convinced he won. Most bias Fight Companion ever.

Wow, they pulled it after it was done?!

Rogan basically agreed to get censored and silo’d with the Spotify deal. Not a chance he has anywhere close to the same numbers he had on YouTube.

They have poor chemistry now. I think they need to be drunk to be entertaining

Stupid that I can’t watch the Spotify video on my Roku and that I have to watch it on my phone