Judging Fights

I'm sick and tired of bad judging in fighting. From the Ultimate Fighter to UFC Fights. I've seen some of the worst judging that I've ever seen in my life and I want to help this sport. It's not fair to the fighters, the fans or the promoters! Can someone get me in touch with Dana White? I do not want to see our sport go down the same path as boxing! Please help! Phone Post 3.0

Dana White has nothing to do with judging. You won't get to judge ufc fights by going to Dana. Phone Post 3.0

It's just so frustrating watching this happen. I understand Dana doesn't have anything to do with the Athletic Commission or Judging but would know the best route to take to clean up the sport. The Athletic/Boxing commissions appoint judges who have never competed in this sport and have no business judging a fight. If the promoters want to continue to put on legitimate Fights, they need to figure out a way to keep the corruption from happening. I don't want to see our sport end up like boxing! Phone Post 3.0