Judo for self defense

My question was about judo for self defense, not opinions on whether a grown man could have a legitimate reason to get into a fight which is a different topic.

Hostility and thread hijack aside, not everyone agrees with you all about MAs for self defense.

I have heard many stories of men, women and senior citizens that have used some form of martial arts or boxing to fight off a mugger, drunk agressor, etc..

Their training saved them. Maybe they could have used a gun instead but these people were able to survive an attack without having to kill someone which is a good thing for some people.

"It happens - although good awareness and preventative strategies can reduce risk a lot, without thinking."

I agree totally that good awareness and preventative strategies can help redcue risk a lot. This is the most effective means of keeping oneself out of trouble.

I also agree that it happens. The better neighborhood that one lives in the less chance that they will encounter trouble, but it can happen anywhere.

"Fighting is different than self-protection"

Yep. Although the techniques may be the same. You have to keep some of the differences

I would argue that if you're really concerned about self-defense, you should get a gun and invest in learning how to use it.

However, that can be really expensive.

First, there's the expense of the gun, the ammunition, etc.

Then there's the training. That can cost quite a bit.

Then you have to factor in not only the $$$$ but the time spent training. Time away from other things in your life like hobbies and, oh yeah, your family and friends.

In the end, if you really think you're living in an area where you have a high enough chance of getting attacked to justify such an outlay of money AND time, you might just be better off just saving that money you would've spent and moving to a safer area, ESPECIALLY if you are married with children; it's a better investment for time and money.

Yes, some random dude could break into your house and attack you. But what are the probabilities of that happening? In most places, it's pretty low. And if it isn't low, well, maybe you're much better off just moving, especially, (as stated above), if you are married with children (do you want your kids growing up in that neighborhood?).

If you truly live in the ghetto and there is a good chance of getting killed on a daily basis then there are many better suggestions in terms of cost/effect/time spent than judo for self defence.

For example:


security cam

burgler alarm

vicious dog


iron bar

better locks

bullet proof glass

razor wire, etc, etc

Judo is a fantasy in that kind of situation


I agree with the list but, I did not say that Judo would be the only means of defense.

It is the same as some LEOs learning martial arts even though they carry guns.

The confidence gained from learning how to protect yourself carries over to other areas of life.

To answer your original quiestion I think its probably ok for self defence. As good as anything which trains with contact.

acid... yes, your thread got hijacked. oh well, that happens a lot around here. fact, it happens a lot on the internet period.

judo is great for SD. a well done throw can split a guys head open in moments. nevermind the fact that it will take years before you can do that without a lot of forethought, it works wonders if you ever need it.

i teach absolute criminals and i used judo last year when a kid tried to stab me with a pen. i used it when another kid thought the back of my head looked a lot like a punching bag.

but not once did i ever go to judo practice thinking that i was learning/training so that i could someday beat up somebody. that was my point.

If you are looking for a great weekend to learn judo, judo for self defense, submission grappling I suggest this workshop:SJA Fall Training Camp: Judo For Self-Defense, MMA, Jujitsu and Submission Grappling

Dear Friend.

I'm writing to tell you about an exciting training opportunity at the SJA Fall Training Camp with 2 World-Class judoists, Damon Keeve and Dave Faulkner. Damon was a 2-time Olympic Team member and 7-time U.S. National Champion. Dave was a 2-time National Champion and was twice an alternate on the U.S. Olympic Team. He is widely regarded as one of the finest technicians in the country, both standing and on the ground.

Whether you are a competitive judoist, or are more interested in Self-Defense, MMA, Jujitsu or Submission Grappling, you will learn cutting-edge judo throws and ground-fighting skills to take your game to the next level. If you are interested in self-defense Damon and Dave have some great skills to help you prevail on the street. In fact, Damon deals with real world self-defense on a regular basis as a member of the San Francisco SWAT team. In addition to being an outstanding combat shooter, Damon is also an expert in gun and knife disarms, and all kinds of defense tactics.

Don't Think Judo Can Help You

In MMA Or On The Street?

Sorry here's the rest of the info:

What: SJJ Fall Training Camp

When: Saturday: October 20, 2007 (11am-5pm) and Sunday: October 21, 2007(10am-3pm)

Where: Barn of Truth Dojo, 3992 Hunter Rd , Perrysville , Ohio , 44864

Cost: $150 (until Oct. 12th, $160 after Oct. 12th) , cost includes all training sessions and all meals

Please send check or money order to:

SJA Fall Camp

P.O. Box 428

Perrysville , OH 44864

or to pay by Visa, Mastercard, or Discover

please call: 419-938-6089

If you have any questions or need any help with directions or lodgingplease call me at 419-938-6089 or email me at SJAHQ@aol.com.



John Saylor

Directions to Barn of Truth Dojo

Dave Faulkner!!!! I met him when I was a kid at a training camp-- cant recall where though.. I remember people getting these t-shirts that read "I fought Dave Faulkner" on the front and then the words "and lost" were on the back.

Not to mention, but both Dave and Joe Marchall are originally from Appleton, WI and Lynn Roethke is from West Bend, WI. You cant imagine the stories and tales that run around this state from back when those three were on top.

another memory, though this wasnt as great, was from the JO's one year. I had to compete against a kid, whose last name was Courage of all things. Then, who do I see sitting in this kid's chair?? None other by Dave Faulkner. I was almost too sad to fight, here I was fighting a kid whose coached by a living chesseland legend.

good times.

"but not once did i ever go to judo practice thinking that i was learning/training so that i could someday beat up somebody. that was my point."

I hear you Joshua and I agree.

I don't want to beat anyone up, nor do I want to get into fights. I would learn and enjoy the art for it's own sake, but it is nice that the art is actually useful too.

For example, though wushu is beautiful to watch, I would not want to learn it because it has no practical application, but judo does, which makes it a good art in my opinion.

marketing and hype...? talking about a clinic he is putting on that is going to feature some extremely good judokas...?

is that what passes for marketing and hype in the brokeback backwoods that you live in these days...?

John still isn't. Still doesn't check his emails either. I posted this to the judo community, the 3 of them will be @ my judo club the following Monday. I always support John & the Barn of Truth. He conducts great seminars. Heck last year he had Mike Swain for the weekend. Living in Ohio doesn't give Ohioans opportunities for great judokas to visit. John brings great players to his club. If I'm not mistaken the workshop in Oct. is limited to 30.

Damon Keeve is a big superstrong badass with plenty of street experience as a cop.

And there is something judo gives these "grown men" talking about self defense. Confidence! It's mental. Knowing they have the ability, even if it is never used, is itself a major confidence booster. Some people can read it in you. Confidence tends to effect body posture and speech during confrontational circumstances often deterring action before it ever starts - now THAT is great judo and good self defense!

"And there is something judo gives these "grown men" talking about self defense. Confidence! It's mental."

This pretty much sums up what I am looking for from Judo.

I don't want to ever get into a confrontation with someone, but it would be nice to know that you can handle yourself.

I've used judo twice in my life for self defense. Once when I was jumped and once when a buddy was getting jumped. It worked great both times. Twice in 20+ years isn't much but I must confess they are fond memories:)

Kind of like the karate school Gary Larson cartoon where the attacking aliens are made of wooden boards. "This is our moment!"

I've never focused on judo for self defense and always found that type of training boring. If you want to use a martial art for SD, my advice is to train in it for competition HARD. Randori and shiai are the best self defense practice IMO.

"If you want to use a martial art for SD, my advice is to train in it for competition HARD. Randori and shiai are the best self defense practice IMO."

great post. too many people get wrapped up in "self defense" as something seperate from the rest of the art. the art is actually the fundamental base of all your skills, and is what allows you to actually execute your "self defense" techniques.

yes it works, yes it has been proven to work many times over many years..

remember the central part of judo training which is physical conditioning, real time practice against opposing opponents, the key behind randori..

the only question is whether it is armed or unarmed attacks, and the skill and fitness level of the judoka..

judo is as close to a full complement form of self defense as you can get, the only thing i would add would be boxing, and with my left stance in judo and orthodox stance in boxing, it works just fine..

as for my own use, yes, it has worked many times, as well as my colleagues in judo..

fyi, this is my slant,

