June 09 fun thread

Allow me to get things started. This is gonna get a little weird, cause I'm a little bored out here in Utah. Training is going very well, but if I'm not training, I'm usually bored. My brain is acting funny. So here goes...

I ate a ridiculous amount of junk food yesterday, cause that's what I do for fun out here on the weekends. As I sit here typing, I'm farting alot. It smells like chemicals. Like whatever is coming out of me is in no way a product of any natural process. The fumes are literally burning my eyes and blurring my vision.

I also saw Terminator Salvation the other day. Saturday, I think. Anyway, I really enjoyed it.

Also, I miss Sean Quinn. Not as in, I miss reading his posts. I actually miss Sean Quinn. I miss hugging him, the sound of his voice, his constant raving about the benefits of stevia... all that stuff.

K, I gotta go for a run now. See you all later.

Heat Score, stop pretending like you're not in love with me. We're all on to you.

 I had a stinky poop this morning.

I was feelin a bit down, on account of the fact that I recently became sans girlfriend. I liked her.
In the last week, I have had a glut of VERY attractive girls making VERY obvious moves.

Oh yeah. I am so back.

Stevia made Sean Quinn grow from 5'6 to 5'6.5

I had full intentions of staying off the UG today, 'cause I am swamped at work..but then I saw a new monthly fun thread, yay!

Heat Score updates:
- I wonder if my chicken/tuna/protein shake diet is still effective when my once-a-week cheat day consists of four pieces of pizza, two donuts, an entire bag of Twizzlers and 4 Grey Goose/waters.
- My personal trainer is not getting laid and is taking out her frustration by putting me through workouts that even Sean Quinn couldn't do
- Skipping rope for a minute in between supersets is torture
- I want to take up kickboxing but I'm worried about the effects on my face and my manicure
- Still not in love with Joe yet. Must be something wrong with me.

LittleKang - Stevia made TINK'S penis grow from 3.0" to 3.5"

 Whoa.... a little to much info?

Robin Black has been voted up. Why? Cause he's back. He's SO back, bitches!!! Ha ha ha ha ha

Dude. I am so back.

Hot actress girl wants to come over and "watch a movie" after I "get back from my UFC stuff."

It is so hot when a very cute girl calls what you do "UFC stuff."

Heat Score + Joe if she keeps drinking Grey Goose and waters

"Watching a movie" is code for humping. I like it.

guardbr8kr - 
LittleKang - Stevia made TINK'S penis grow from 3.0" to 3.5"

 Whoa.... a little to much info?

Since you had to change the quote to that means you have Quinns dick on your mind...... you romo

I have nothing to add to this thread.

Joe, I miss you too buddy.

Kang, shut up.

wangbr8kr, shut up.

HeatScore, whoa.

Birdman, dont get too close to the pussy, it may eat you.

Sean "Dink" Quinn, shut up.

Joe Doerksen - "Watching a movie" is code for humping. I like it.

It is? Awesome. I was just hoping we were gonna watch "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey.
Humping is way better.

Good one.

Heat Score - 
- Still not in love with Joe yet. Must be something wrong with me.

Might be something wrong with you.


Robin Black - 
Joe Doerksen - "Watching a movie" is code for humping. I like it.

It is? Awesome. I was just hoping we were gonna watch "Yes Man" with Jim Carrey.
Humping is way better.

Man, even girls know the code. I have a friend (yes a female friend who's just a friend, that I don't sleep with) who got invited to watch a movie with a dude once, and that's all they did. They just watched a movie. She was pretty pissed off.

Hey Tink, wanna watch a movie tonight ;)

I watched a movie last night, yada yada yada, my legs are weak and my weiner is tired.