just a FYI

 i was wrong the gun story was not BS! ouch

 A real man can admitt mistakes! Rock on Dana!

Trolls are headed this way Phone Post

 Thanks for the fyi

Dana, little 30 day SN bet for Giants/Pats?   Obv I got the GMEN

Is the gun store banned our not they helped out a lot of Vegas fighters. Phone Post

In before the SOPA brigade gets here...

 Thanks for the heads up!

Who decided to ban these particular sponsors? Was it Fox or the UFC? Phone Post

The baldfather has spoken Phone Post

Thanks for coming back and setting shit straight. Lol Phone Post

Admits his own mistakes...classy Phone Post

dfw jr -  i was wrong the gun story was not BS! ouch

Doesn't Zuffa have any control over this?

 as we go international a lot of these other countries will not allow it on tv. there are quite a few issues with it. fun while it lasted.

 Thanks for honesty Dana!

That sucks. Phone Post

Until Tito Phone Post

Keep up the good work Dana Phone Post

Non-issue. The sport going mainstream on FOX will open up a ton of new sponsors I'm sure. 

Dana you do know most Ufc streams are streamed from the uk right. Nothing like watching espn for the fights. Phone Post