Just because I like it..

...i thought I'd leave this here

Phone Post

Could be one of those quoted pics where the guy ascribed to the quote never said it Phone Post 3.0

Yeah I can't imagine Helio ever saying that with any sincerity. In all of the stories he comes across as a fight at the drop of a hat kind of guy. Phone Post

Don't know any stories about jail time for him. Most of us have been in a spot where it could've ended up that way or did. I'm sure if he was a dick it would've surfaced by now......HESPECT Phone Post

baby-silverback - Don't know any stories about jail time for him. Most of us have been in a spot where it could've ended up that way or did. I'm sure if he was a dick it would've surfaced by now......HESPECT Phone Post
It's off his wiki but there was a story about him assaulting a gymnastics instructors after he was bad mouthing him. Him and some students went and beat the shit out of him. He got arrested and convicted and sentenced to like 3 years but was pardon by the governor because his son trained under Helio.

Maybe that's what the poster was referring to Phone Post 3.0

At the age of 19, Gracie attacked Luta Livre teacher Manoel Rufino dos Santos (1932). He told Playboy Magazine the following regarding the incident:

“It was 66 years ago that I was involved in my biggest trouble. A famous fighter in Brazil (a former Luta Livre Champion) Manoel Rufino dos Santos, said that he was going to show the world that we Gracies were nothing. It was at the Tijuca Tennis Club of Rio that I gave my answer to him. I arrived and said "I came to answer the declaration that you made." He threw a punch and I took him to the ground, with two fractures of his head, and a broken clavicle, and blood spurting out. But it was a foolish act that I did. Today I would never repeat such a thing."

Gracie was sentenced to two and a half years in jail, but Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas pardoned him.

TTT for answers....thanks guys Phone Post

That was the story, wiki said gymnastics and made it sounds more like a jumping Phone Post 3.0

two fracture of his head and a broken clavicle?

not too gentle and definitely not playful! ;)

So it's. clear Helio DID say that........ This just came AFTER he nearly killed the guy....

Job done.... What's for dinner :)

The story Relson told me it went down is that dos Santos threw a right and Helio wrapped the punch up tight with his left, and clinched. Dos Santos tried to square up so then Helio switched to double overhooks and threw him with an o-soto gari type reap. Because Helio controlled dos Santos' arms, and it was on a tennis court, when he fell he couldn't break the fall and ended up with a compound fracture of his AC joint.

It's the same throw that they show in the counter to the double lapel grab in the GJJ self defense curriculum.

This is the same patriarch of the family that travelled around beating people senseless to prove a point?

Interesting. Phone Post

He was 19 when it happened and went on record saying it was stupid. You never got in a fight when you were 19?

The Gracies have picked more fights than the Mexican mafia, this quote is obviously not taken seriously. Phone Post

I try to pass judgment on the behaviors of people who grew up in a back water 3rd world country, while I sit here in comfort of upper middle class modern US.