Just trained at Hollywood BJJ!!!

I wanted to check it out and the place is great!!! I did the completely unoriginal and started a training blog to help me capture these moments, synthesize them, and aid in my future memory retention. I'll be posting about great training sessions and little gems that I pick up as well as posting old product reviews.

Anyways, I included a little write up on Shawn's as my first real post. I hope it is informative.


shawn is the man


Great write up!

Shawn is one of my favorite teachers!

If you are visiting the LA area and want to train somewhere, Shawn is probably where you should go first. incredible teacher, great guy.

Shawn's  a nice guy and a great teaher

Shawn is not only a stud on the mat...but a hell of a guy!

All the guys from Team Jorge Gurgel had a great time last year while we were out for the Pan-Ams!

- Dustin

Sorry I missed you Kevin. Perhaps you'll give the heads up before you stop by next.

What was your first class like?

Sorry I missed you as well. We're having PRIDE at the academy if you'd
like to join us on Sat. though. Everyone's invited!!!! We'll have ballot
sheets for voting on fight results,....and pizza. Winner gets a free t-shirt.

-SPF Hollywoodbjj.com

Shawn rules. Great guy!