Just watched Gracie/Shamrock

I just found a free video of gracie vs shamrock. Gracie was very out matched on his feet. Pretty much every pund frank threw found it's mark. Gracies left eye was pretty swollen after the fight. I heard some people say it was planned for Ceasar to lose but after watching it I really doubt it. It looked like a really clean hook that sent Ceasar out and the ref was already on his way to stopping it before gracie's corner even tried to throw in the towel Interesting fight but I don't know I'd pay google 10 bucks if thats the only fight you wanted to see.

There were other fights.

i understand that. Just saying if you were only interested in the shamrock gracie fight it wouldn't be worth it. If you wanted to see the rest then the 10 bucks probably would be. Personally I didn't know the other fighters on the card so I'm glad I managed to see the final fight for free.

I assume you're an MMA fan and not just a Shamrock fan and thus am surprised you didn't know any other fighters on the card.

I am a mma fan lol. I know my name say shamrock fan but i've been a member since way back. I know a lot of people new the fighters on the card but I didn't. Not sure why but just happened to be a bunch of guys that I don't know. Sure I'd probably enjoy the card but I don't tend to buy things like this if I don't know the fighters in case they are not that great. I don't want to pay 10 dollars to be bored. If I'm gonna take a chance I'd rather take my 10 dollars add 4 and go to walmart and by a king of the cage set that has 100 hours of fighting. Poor college students need to pick there mma purchases wisely lol.