K-1 Vegas:photos

Carter Williams vs Big MoDewey Cooper vsMichael Mcdonald vs Marvin EastmanKelly Leo vs TomihiraBob SappDeewy Cooper vs Big MoMichael Mcdonald vs Kelly Leo

Gary Goodridge vs TOA

Fuck yeah!!! Way to go Gary!!!!

Thanks BRO!!!!


And WOW, I've gotta say... McDonald looks somewhat aged in those pictures.

Some of those pics are just funny

Michael Mcdonald vs Dewey Cooper

good pics

mcdonald kickin ass knockin on 40

Celebrating a K1 victory with Ali and Tyson (former world champions) priceless!

TTT for The Black Sniper!

AGED!!! Take a look at his physique....you don't find any 40 yr look like that! Maintaining fitness is the key in combat sports.

If I look like McDonald, I would not have any problems at all, being overweight is not a factor in his case.

ttt for Mcdonald!

Bro u da man !!

How old is Dewey? He looks older than McDonald in one of those shots.


great pics

mcdonald is 37. i'd say he looks and competes pretty young...

McDonalds body is soooo damn lean...He is like a greyhound!

Thanks for posting pics.

Amazing for a guy that looks like that can punch and kick. That's talent!

Props to Gary. I would have liked to seen him fight Toa with time to prepare. Looks like they threw down.