Awesome movie. Love the japanese accents from all the actors that speak perfect english by accidents.
but i was wondering if Okinawan Karate really did come from china in the 1600's?
Also has anyone with okinawan karate besides ryan parker (or whoever it was that lost to remco in ufc) and perhaps royce gracie's victim... ever fought in mma and had any success?
All I know is Daniel Larouso won by hammer fist slaps.
"Live or die man. Live or die."
The third movie was the most realistic:
1. He doesn't get the girl
2. He gets his ass kicked the WHOLE movie
3. He just out points the guy in the end rather than beat him down like in the first two.
I don't care what anybody says, there is NO effective Okinawan Karate!!!
Shorin-Ryu is a huge joke, with those awful backwards blocks, terrible striking, and meaningless katas.
That being said, the first Karate Kid is one of my favorite movies. LOL!!!
LOL I watched it last night as well. Nothing better to fall asleep to imo.
Ah missed that last night...
some of those japanese actors were on JAG...
Daniel san is actually a year old than Terry Silver....=no bullshit
figure four - Ah missed that last night...
some of those japanese actors were on JAG...
none of them speak japanese, i don't think.... tamlyn tomita, chozen, pat morita.... all of them are about as japanese as george bush is german (busch)
well this was the best since swank has a killer body
Tha Realness - LOL@ him tryna use the crane kick and getting handled.3. He just out points the guy in the end rather than beat him down like in the first two.I'm pretty sure he got his ass kicked the whole movie in part 2 as well.
You have ignored this user.
Did you really put me on ignore for this? He was able to get a couple of shots in here and there iirc in the 2nd one but was beat down the whole movie in the third was my point.
The first, of course, is a classic (then again I grew up in the 80's)!
they were mean to Daniel in part 2! not very gracious hosts
for what it's worth, I saw Rambo 4 the other day, and while it was totally predictable, it kicked some major ass!
Hated It.
3 is way better than #2 (except for the soundtrack). Mostly because 3 features "Karate's Bad Boy" Mike Barnes
karate kid II is amazing. my personal favorite
Under unified rules, is the crowd allowed to inspire a fighter using those little drum things?
Wovito - "all of them are about as japanese as george bush is german (busch)" - well his father Prescott Bush was the #1 financier for Adolph Hitler
Prescott Bush was also involved in a plot to over throw FDR, if I remember correctly.