Ken has been playing possum for at least four if not all five of his recent fights. He's an evolved, very patient form of Ali, imo. He's going to rumble Kimbo's jungle.
It's sort of ironic that this fight will take place in a ring, because Ken has been rope-a-doping the hell out of everyone leading up to this moment.
Imo, Ken has trolled everyone. He will gun down Elite's superstar, effectively ruining the organization's plans, an opportunity he would never have had without his recent disasterous fights. Then he'll retire gracefully. The last thing we'll see is his knowing grin and the flash of his purple cape before he exits the arena a legend.
Elite's Saturday night fights will take place in a ring?
Ken is a fraud...
Wait. Let's ignore the ring comment and all the irony business. I'm picturing Ken in the body of Ali, absorbing punishment willingly and I got carried away.
Have you been sipping douche water through a crazy straw?
The greatest trick the Shamrock ever pulled was convincing the world he was a failure. And like that, poof. All those smug smiles will be gone.
Are you saying Shamrock eats more than just steak and chicken?
2JupitersTooMany - He's going to rumble Kimbo's jungle.Is this because Kimbo is black?
Seamus, your racialism and lack of Ali knowledge sickens me.
2JupitersTooMany - The greatest trick the Shamrock ever pulled was convincing the world he was a failure. And like that, poof. All those smug smiles will be gone.
If this is true, he had me fooled! Shamrock really picked up some acting skills while in the WWF and I can't wait to see him kneebar Kimbo Saturday!
Atta boy. I'll TTT this Sunday. Would you like some crow with your steak and chicken, world? LOL at the world.
who will be eating crow?
A basic understanding of psychology should allow a borderline vegetable to realize he couldn't possibly be as bad as he's portrayed himself to be for 2 years. With his personality, there's no way he would set himself up to fail over and over if it wasn't part of a bigger scheme. His ego is just too big. He ego is almost as ripped as his body, honestly. Do the math.
I'm going to let this thread slide down now.
On Sunday, it will rise from its grave, the messiah of all threads.
Easter comes early this year for Shamrock.
Shamrock is the man! he will crush kimbo and take his bread! unless of course they give him some kind of mega bonus if he takes a dive and helps build the kimbo trane
I'm rubbing my hands together right now thinking about all the crow that will be served on Sunday. And my hands have been above the table the whole time.
Plenty of crow to go around. I'm like a volunteer at a soup kitchen for assholes.
Ken Is going to beat kimbo into a living death.
tjmitch will be drizzling your crow with a hearty hollandaise sauce of regret during our Sunday brunch
There's been an absolute ton of money bet on Ken Shamrock over the past 3 weeks... Kimbo has dropped from almost 6-1 favorite to less than 3-1 at one point... Kimbo's averaging about -400 .... 4-1 now...