just received a call from former UFC heavyweight champion Kevin Randleman to inform us that he's officially signed with Strikeforce and is set to return as a light heavyweight. "If someone is gonna beat me, they better beat me while I'm still getting back in shape," he stated...
I'm actually glad to see him back.
Is he still training at HammerHouse? I'd be cool if he went and trained with Couture & Co. or even Militich.
hell yeah!
Let's hope you can teach an old dog new tricks...
BTW anyone know if/when Coleman's fighting again?
I see a Randleman/Kimbo fight on the horizon
Word on the street is that Randleman will rematch Babalu in the near future
Great addition
and all this time, i thought this was going to be a depressing day.... well it still is... ken caught with roids... mask passes away.... but at least we get another chance to see Randleman.
how many fights will he have before he tests positive again?
hes probably 185 natural. wonder if his quickness will change
Randelman/babalu rematch???ugggh, you would have to pay me to watch much rather see a randelman/Kimbo fight...
Daddy32 - Let's hope you can teach an old dog new tricks...
Behold the power of the UG.
When was the last time Randleman was either impressive or entertaining?
^^^^Crying in agony from Shoguns knee bar at the second Pride US show
randleman had a really bad staff infection, so i'm guessing he lost quite a bit of weight, so 185 probably is very possible
Cicci Cristi - ^^^^Crying in agony from Shoguns knee bar at the second Pride US show
Showed a lot of heart. I wish he had more technique.
Randleman x Rampage 2.
how old is he?