Key Lifts for Fighters

Trying to put a weight lifting plan together. Need to know what the key lifts are that fighters are, and should be doing for strength training.

PS I am doing circuit training for conditioning already. Just looking to put together a good lifting program to aid in strength gain, and explosiveness. Thank you to all who help me out.

Recently I've started doing a circuit based off of the 5*5 workout. I was a little limited on time so I had to switch things up a bit.
The circuit is Squats,Bench,Wide chins 5 sets of 5reps. I don't hurry through this but I don't take breaks either. I finish with 5 sets of 5 power cleans with a press. The whole thing takes just over half an hour I think and I am pretty wrecked when I'm finished.

thanks Leigh.

My lift routine looks something like this:

Clean to Push Press
Dead Lift
Bent Rows

5 sets of 5 reps and I'll throw a final set of 10 depending on how I feel afterward.

I'll also throw in pull ups, triceps extensions, and a couple sets of curls ( I know I probably shouldn't try to isolate but can't resist). If there is anything I should change feel free to criticize my routine.