Khabib against nightclubs, women in public

15days - ew woman are so gross. being naked in steam rooms with my 15 closets friends is what makes me happy. talking to women is such a bore, i want to strip down to my underwear and wrestle with my sweaty best friends. women smell gross, id rather sleep in bed with my boy toys.

i mean honestly..women are objectively..pretty boring to talk to.


“Backwards coooont”

If you don't like night clubs, don't go.

Don't like alcohol, don't drink.

But don't tell others what to do asshole. He's against rap musicians performing, the man is a brainwashed nut case.

2breath2feel -
Dreville79 -

I’m with him on this. People drink to get drunk for two reasons, either because they’re morons, or because they’re boring as fuck without drink. I can’t think of a worse way to spend a night than in a nightclub, retard central 

People who don't drink tend to be the most boring people I've ever met in my life. Training with them may be great, I'm sure their healthy but boring as fuck. If you can't loosen up and have a drinks in a social setting you're a fucking a weirdo 

Drinking socially for fun and drinking to get drunk are two different things. 

Isn’t there some video of him being cruel to some homeless guy or something?

What a despicable cunt

 Beautiful Champ

Kabib is a goat fucking backwards savage...I don't care.

I just wanted to see Conor get exposed.

I got my wish :-)

2breath2feel -
Dreville79 -

I’m with him on this. People drink to get drunk for two reasons, either because they’re morons, or because they’re boring as fuck without drink. I can’t think of a worse way to spend a night than in a nightclub, retard central 

People who don't drink tend to be the most boring people I've ever met in my life. Training with them may be great, I'm sure their healthy but boring as fuck. If you can't loosen up and have a drinks in a social setting you're a fucking a weirdo 

No you're the boring one who has to be drunk to have fun. 

Khabib is also against smiling. And Jesus. 

Hoyce Chopino -
2breath2feel -
Dreville79 -

I’m with him on this. People drink to get drunk for two reasons, either because they’re morons, or because they’re boring as fuck without drink. I can’t think of a worse way to spend a night than in a nightclub, retard central 

People who don't drink tend to be the most boring people I've ever met in my life. Training with them may be great, I'm sure their healthy but boring as fuck. If you can't loosen up and have a drinks in a social setting you're a fucking a weirdo 

No you're the boring one who has to be drunk to have fun. 

Yeah I like to have a beer wth my friends when we go to a sporting event or celebrate something, I'm so much more boring than the guy who leaves at 8 so he can wake up at 4am so he can ride his bicycle or something. 

Dreville79 - 

I’m with him on this. People drink to get drunk for two reasons, either because they’re morons, or because they’re boring as fuck without drink. I can’t think of a worse way to spend a night than in a nightclub, retard central 

Its the I don’t like it so nobody else should do it voice of reason.

yomamafool -
touch -

Guess what, all of this has already been covered in different threads of mine

oh i guess we shouldnt talk about it anymore



Carogan - 
T-Ham -
Dreville79 - 

I’m with him on this. People drink to get drunk for two reasons, either because they’re morons, or because they’re boring as fuck without drink. I can’t think of a worse way to spend a night than in a nightclub, retard central 

Its the I don’t like it so nobody else should do it voice of reason.

I swear 1/2 the underground is illiterate.  He didn’t call for banning anything.  He was asked a question and offered his opinion that they’re not good for society. He’s not running around like a bible thumper telling everyone we must ban everything

Exactly. No Muslim has ever called for the imposition of their beliefs on others. As a potential assistant to the head of Dagestan and the most famous Islamic sports hero in the world, Khabib conveying on his twitter that women in public are not what we should want for Dagestan could in no way be interpreted as prohibiting women in public without male guardians as is the norm in countless conservative Muslim countries worldwide. We should never take what a person from a minority group says to be oppressive since inherently, being minorities, they can only be oppressed and not call for oppression. The UG has been hoodwinked. It’s the worldwide threat of Christians that we must concern ourselves with.

The world according to Carogan.

danybayamon23 -
touch -

Guess what, all of this has already been covered in different threads of mine

Well damn, someone’s a little touchy. Weird thing for a grown person to be possessive over Information on a random Internet forum 

Agreed. You are being weird Touch.

jgiveshead -

This guy has a magic talent for making himself unlikable.  Him and Tony should consider a domestic partnership.

Tony is extremely likeable. Maybe you're just a little insecure.

John Crowley -

Khabib is also against smiling. And Jesus. 

Technically he isn't against Jesus. Jesus is one of the most important people in the Muslim faith. In fact, he is literally the second most important figure in Islam. Muhammed is the last prophet, Jesus was the prophet right before Muhammed. 

BubblesNS -
danybayamon23 -
touch -

Guess what, all of this has already been covered in different threads of mine

Well damn, someone’s a little touchy. Weird thing for a grown person to be possessive over Information on a random Internet forum 

Agreed. You are being weird Touch.

That was just a random comment, don't get all touched up.