Khabib breaks down... romantic comedies!?!?

Funny stuff!


Make Kebab vs Conor right now forget the interim number 1 BS.

staygreenponyboy - Promo of the year.

Hell yeah, hopefully since Conan (and other late show ppl? I can't remember the list) owns part of the WME UFC now, he will show clips like this on fight weeks. If not WME needs to get off their asses and ask for it.

This is a perfect one for a late show.

*Not sure if they've already been doing this - I haven't watched late shows in years - except on youtube for the bill Burr guest spots of course.

I think we need a Khabib reality show. They can just follow him around and have a guy who asks Khabib's opinion on things.


Vrill -

"Too much movie make your heart... weak." 

Something only a stone cold killer would say.

I'm usually a Khabib hater because well, I hate Muslims (come from a Muslim family.) but I must admit, that shit was fucking hilarious! Lol



They showed this on UFC embedded 

Fucking gold